Drink Driving Cases Are Sometimes Very Strange

It is very sad to state that even those people who know better will still try to get away with drinking alcohol and then driving a vehicle. Indeed, this habit that some have will surely get them into problems one day, which could result in jail time. If someone has been stopped by the police and arrested for this crime, it is time to call in the help of a DUI attorney or DUI lawyer to work out the next steps.

Of course, everyone must know by now that a driver does not have to take the roadside test beloved of reality TV channels. They can insist upon being taken to the station for tests but officers really have a tough time with some people. Even those who admit that they are drunk at the scene will always deny it later on and this is now where the courts have to look at the evidence. Some of the cases in the courts seem a little bizarre to say the least but the judge must always make an unbiased decision.

Some drivers will have some punishments brought down on them by the court which they should adhere to. For example, the court may demand that an ignition interlock device be placed on the vehicle as a form of punishment. This means that every time this driver wants to use the car, he has to breathe into a special breathalyzer machine fitted to the car. However, what some people do is to get someone else to start the car for them. This is wrong, naturally, since the idea is to stop them in the first place. Since the other party is now involved in the act, he too could end up with a fine or something similar.

Others who are charged with drunk driving have turned up in court absolutely drunk to the bone and have even collapsed right there in the court. The judge ordered some sobriety tests and the accused was found to be extremely drunk. Not only did he refuse to take these tests when stopped at the roadside, as is his right, he also told the officers that he was drunk and blind so he should not be driving. Faced with this, the judge ordered that this man should not take any more alcohol nor be allowed in anywhere that sold alcohol. His case is yet to be heard but one can see that this person definitely has problems to say the least.

Even with these unlikely, but true, scenarios the court and the police must follow strict guidelines to make sure that the accused gets treated fairly. Indeed, this is what the expert does and he will always check that everything is being done by the book. However, the accused must also pay his fines or serve his time when the punishment is handed down or he could risk losing his license altogether. Severe cases end up with jail time and it is here that the alcoholic will really feel the pinch for sure.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter recently spent time researching law firms with an Omaha DUI attorney. He hired a well-known Omaha DUI Lawyer to join his legal staff.

Category: Legal
Keywords: Omaha DUI attorney,Omaha DUI Lawyer

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