How to Have a Day in a Spa With Massages For You and Your Friends

A good way to spend time with your friends is by having a spa day together. You can all have spa packages, including massage with hot stone therapy or cold stone therapy. You will enjoy the day so much that you will want to repeat the experience as soon as possible.

Start by making your plans. Call up your local spa and ask them what kinds of services they offer. Make sure they give massages, because everyone will want the relaxing, therapeutic benefits they will get from general massages. If the spa uses massage stones, you can expect a highly effective spa treatment.

Talk to each of your friends; find out how many of them can go and what day is best for them. If possible, show them a spa brochure or website with all the available treatments. Ask about their preferences, whether they like hot stone therapy, cold stone therapy or a combination of the two. Ask about other spa services they would like. Make a list so you can set up the appointments.

On the day you have chosen for your spa day, get together at one of your homes and then make the trip to the spa together. This is important because if you arrive at different times, it will not be a group event. You might see your friends there and you might not, but you will not be there together. When you arrive en masse, the spa professionals will be able to work with your group to fit everyone in with massage treatments as efficiently as possible.

Unless the spa is very large, you will have times when you are waiting in between massage treatments or taking advantage of other services besides hot stone therapy and cold stone therapy massages. Use this time to talk quietly within the group and catch up on all your individual lives and interests. You can usually talk freely during manicures and pedicures, for example.

Yet, everyone should enjoy her individual time with the massage therapist. She should feel the full impact of the deep massage provided by the hot stones being placed, touched and rubbed on her body. She should feel the invigorating refreshment of cold stone therapy if that is what she has chosen. Her time with the massage therapist is her own, for privacy and relaxation.

When everyone has taken their turns with the hot stone therapy and the cold stone therapy, as well as the auxiliary services such as facials, manicures and pedicures, thank your spa therapists. It is a good idea to develop a courteous relationship with them, especially if you want to use the same spa in the future.

After your time in the spa, go out for a nice, healthful meal. You should always eat lightly after any general massage, but you can certainly end your spa day with a small refreshment to cap off a wonderful experience. Get together with your friends often at your local spa with massages for more days of fun and relaxation.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone, the leading hot stone supplies provider. They carry products such as massage rocks, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: cold stone therapy,massage therapist,,deep massage,

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