China And American Exchange Game Intensified

In the past year, the relations between China and the increasingly uncertain, political, economic level occurred frequently friction. President hu jintao is scheduled for next week state visit to the United States, this to the future development of sino-us relations is of vital importance.

\”I think this is a unique opportunity for the two leaders defines some basic principles to guide our relationship.\” Once was appointed the carter administration\’s national security adviser brzezinski accepted \”the first financial (micro Po) daily publico.

Exchange rate question difficult have progress

South Korean war games, the Korean peninsula crisis intervention, arms sales to Taiwan, south China territorial disputes, a series of events that sino-us tensions. China\’s growing confidence is with a kind of brand-new attitude intervention in international affairs. At the same time in the economic field, both sides in violation of blaming the other universally accepted international economic principles. The currency issue, Chinese gradual appreciation let us all quite vocal; opposing On the trade dispute increasingly high-profile, Chinese exports to the commodity in repeatedly encounter countervailing, anti-dumping and other kinds of trade barriers, last September, after the U.S. house of representatives supposes fundraising committee voted for a campaign for the domestic currency \”\” underestimate the country collects special tariffs bill, spear squarely on Chinese lose beauty products.

But between China and interests involved huge. Both sides produce the huge enmity neither in the interests of the United States, also is not in China\’s interests. Brzezinski said bilateral relations of scale growth so big, often also bring complexity scale. Sometimes from this or that direction conflict of pressure.

Aiming at the President hu jintao, visits the United States on economic issues, the White House has on jan. 5, says the United States President Obama on China\’s exchange rate continues to pressure on China, China must take measures to allow the yuan appreciation to continue.

But on that issue, many scholars do not think there is a fundamental progress.

Columbia business school professor, national bureau of economic research, China project director wei is accepted \”the first financial into in daily said in an interview on the currency issue won\’t have substantial progress. But no substantial progress of sino-american relations does not necessarily is great things. Exchange rate is now caused friction between China and the important factors, but actually exchange rate of both sides of the current account no great influence, the two countries\’ further discuss this issue may require further analysis and understanding. But beyond that, the u.s.-china relations in interests have many overlap place.

\”Because on one hand exchange rate problems are not Chinese current account surpluses reasons, nor the us current account deficit is the main reason for.\” W is into, \”said the u.s.-china cooperation of field is very broad, foundation is not the currency issue. Also unnecessary in the currency issue painful reforms.\”

The President hu jintao visit the United States eve, jan. 11, a group of top Chinese economist by u.s.-china relations committee invitation came to New York in nyse held \”2011 BBS\” China\’s economic imbibed china-us economic cooperation way.

The national economy of institute of eastern Europe at the meeting in accepting our newspaper interview, the dispute between China and the United States is not only the currency issue, more is in economic fundamentals. For instance, too little too high consumption of China savings, American spending too much, too little, both parties can savings on their economic structure adjustment, is the ways to solve these problems, only emphasize exchange itself little sense.

Peterson institute of economic research scholar Gary hough mo argues that, today bilateral trade volume has reached 40 billion us dollars, including Chinese exports to the United States in about $300 billion, American exports China nearly 100 billion us dollars, currency issue in which a very role. But he also thought that President hu jintao visit the United States in this breakthrough possibility is not very big. On the other hand, he thinks that sino-us trade dispute between later will further deterioration.

Columbia University, director of the global centre east Asia between China and the United States XiaoGeng think about trade protectionism, anti-dumping cases will be more and more, but it doesn\’t have any special worth worrying about the place.

\”The reason for the increase of conflict is not necessarily and exchange rate have relations between China and the United States, but because the growth of trade,\” XiaoGeng at New York\’s \”China economic BBS\” meeting accepting our newspaper interviews that, \”five years ago or 10 years ago, and the United States friction is the greatest European Union. The eu is not an enemy of the United States and the European Union. The trade friction between great many because sino-us-eu. U.S. and Japanese friction is also big. Us-china trade continues to increase trade friction will increase. This is not a problem, the world trade organization (WTO) framework to solve.\”

Who also told reporters: \”I believe that in the long run is a normal, both parties should from some really can solve the problem of the place to begin. For example, if the U.S. high-tech exports of high-tech exports to release its trade deficit reduction there will be visible effect.\”

China-u.s. Cooperation space is enormous

Conflicts between China and the United States, but in more ways have common interests. Between China and the common interest lies in the economic development, the economic structure complementary. The us-china trade and scale has reached such a large scale, make these controversial trade and the whole trade compared is negligible.

XiaoGeng think the currency issue in sino-us economic relationship is not the most important, that is to say even if exchange rate does not produce change, there are other ways to achieve more balanced.

\”Such as China and all costs are rising, raw materials, labor, cause the overall price level rise, rising inflation. This will naturally make Chinese economy less competitive.\” XiaoGeng, \”said the United States is same, unemployment rate is high. The United States now has a deflationary pressure, income declined, the value of assets on the decline. This will reduce the consumption, increasing the supply. Rebalancing need a longer process. If have the patience of words, I think this progress is very smooth.

In addition, in climate, energy on issues such as China, both sides though controversial, but also has great cooperation space. The United States hopes China will be able to make more contributions, China also have the same purpose, but not hope on the climate sacrifice China too much growth. It has many opportunities.

W: \”although still into that problem is not caused by exchange rate china-u.s

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