Essential Oil Blends and Their Functions

The use of essential oils in massage therapy is known to provide healing properties to the client resulting from direct effects to the body and the senses. This practice, which is the combination of aromatherapy with massage therapy, has been found to improve the physical and psychological wellbeing of the client.

Essential oils are extracts from herbs and plants that are used for their healing properties. Although the scents and aroma are important to aromatherapy, essential oils go beyond scent and aroma to positively affect those that have close contact with them. They have a strong therapeutic ability and when mixed with massaging oils and used in massages, have a variety of effects on the client.

There are countless essential oils and many are specially mixed together to particularly reinforce a specific feeling or effect in the client. These are called essential oil blends.

There are many oil combinations and blends available which can help to combine the therapeutic properties of the oils to make it more effective in the treatment of various illnesses. Although essential oils are used for massages several are dangerous when used directly on the skin. To take advantage of the healing and soothing properties of these essential oils, therapists mix them with carrier oils or other massage oils. Some of these essential oils are sweet almond oil, sandal wood oil, lavender oil, fractionated coconut oil and sunflower oil. These are the most common even though some therapists make use of others like avocado oil, cocoa butter oil, shea butter oil and countless others. When mixed, these oils contain very strong abilities to positively affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of the user.

Emotional Wellbeing Oil Blend

The mixtures of some oils are known to affect the emotional stability and wellbeing of the user. These are sage oil, frankincense oil, sandal wood oil and almond or grape seed oils. These oils are blended by the therapist for a relaxing massage of the back, neck and shoulders. The result is a deep emotional wellness which greatly contributes to the stabilization of a person’s emotions.

Physical Wellbeing Massage Oil Blend

Essential oils like lavender oil, sweet marjoram oil and vetiver oil are known to provide physical relief to their users. Lavender essential oil for instance has been used to cure insomnia while others like grapeseed essential oil and almond essential oil are used to provide soothing relief to stressed and tired people.

Premenstrual Massage Oil Blend

Menstrual related illnesses can cause a lot of distress and chronic pain for a lot of women. As a result, they get tensed and stressed as each menstrual period draws near. A blend of clary sage essential oil, sweet fennel essential oil, geranium essential oil and sweet almond or grape seed essential oils will work magic when used in a smooth massage on a client suffering from PMS.
Feet treatment oils blend.

There are some people who cannot simply keep their feet in a shoe for a long period of time because of the stress and pain it will generate. There are oils that when correctly blended will greatly aid in solving this problem. The correct mixture of geranium essential oil, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil with sweet almond oil and a firm massage for tired feet followed by adding the remaining blend into a bowl of warm water and soaking the feet for ten minutes will give relief.

It should be clear that several other essential oil blends exist and the right blend can help in fighting physical and psychological stress. What blend you use would depend on the client’s particular need. Whatever you do though, be sure to go for pure essential oils and not the artificial substitutes. They might have the same aroma but the healing properties contained in the pure blend would be absent.

Author Bio: I write for AML Stone Source, the leading hot stone massage kit supplies provider. They carry products such as massage stones, as well as many other accessories for hot and cold stone therapy

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: hot stone massage kit, massage stones

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