How To Make Money Blogging

Many people keep a blog as a hobby. It gives them the opportunity to establish a presence on the Internet and have something interesting to share with their friends. If you enjoy traveling regularly, for example, a blog can be a great way to share your stories and photos with friends and family around the world. Relatively few people ever make any effort trying to turn this hobby into a reliable little money earner. With some time and patience and an up-and-running blog, there is nothing stopping you from making a worthwhile supplementary passive income.

One of the reasons why blogging has become so popular is because it is something that anyone can do. You do not have to be a web designer to create a blog. In fact, you do not need any knowledge of HTML at all. This is why so many people choose to start a blog. WordPress is the most powerful and most popular blog publishing software. It is highly customizable and packed full of features. It is easy to use. If it is good enough for the websites of some of the most well known newspapers in the world, it is good enough for anyone else. If you want to make money with your blog, WordPress is the best way to go. Other solutions do not provide the powerful SEO features and versatility that you need.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

From the very beginning, you should have Google Adsense installed on your blog. Do not overuse it by placing advertisements all over every page as this will put people off. The optimal way of placing Adsense advertisements is to the left or right hand side of the page. Do not make them intrusive. The advertisements displayed are chosen automatically and will be relevant to the content of your website. For optimal results, it is a good idea to have a narrow bar of text-based advertisements on either the bottom or top of the page and a cluster of picture and text advertisements on one side of the page.

Before you can expect to earn more than the tiniest trickle of income from Adsense, you will need to build up a consistently high amount of traffic to your site.

Affiliate Programs

Do you know anyone who is selling a product or service that someone visiting your website may be interested in buying? If not, it shouldn’t take long to find some appropriate affiliate programs. These affiliate programs allow you to advertise somebody else’s product on your website. You will get a share of the final sale price if someone ultimately buys that product having originally started at the link placed on your website.


You may think that donations are a complete waste of time. This is not quite true. If you have hundreds of people visiting your website every week, it is actually quite likely that one of your regular visitors will make a donation. If someone enjoys reading your site, they might thank you in the form of a small donation. Sometimes, donations can be very generous. It costs you nothing to open a PayPal account and have a donation link somewhere on your site.


The above money-making methods are only of any use if you have enough traffic coming to your website. That is another matter, however. Regardless of how much traffic you have, multiple streams of income are the way to success. Simply relying only on Adsense revenue is rarely going to be enough to make your efforts worthwhile unless you have thousands of visitors per day.

Author Bio: Bruno is a Internet marketing consultant and author. His job is to make money online by learning other marketers how to make money online with SEO, social media marketing and how to make money blogging.

Category: Internet
Keywords: internet,blogging,money,cash,income,advice

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