Your Miracle Life By Stephen Edwards

Question: What if you could close your eyes, and magically be transported to the life if your dreams? What would it look like? What would it feel like? How tall would you be able to stand if you knew that you could do just about anything that you wanted to? Now what is standing in your way? Is it fear? Then what could you do to overcome fear? Do you even think that it\’s possible for you to overcome fear?

These are the questions that will be asked, and that will be answered when you listen to the eight CD set called Your Miracle Life, by Stephen Edwards. Stephen Edwards has been teaching individuals, corporations, and others lesson in self motivation for many years. He specializes also in leadership, communication, and self-empowerment skills. He now wants to reach out to others via his CD set, Your Miracle Life, so that people can learn how to have their miracle lives by overcoming the crippling fears that might be holding them back. People can\’t learn how to overcome their fears unless they first acknowledge that they have fears that are crippling them, and then learn to identify what those fears are.

In this series, Stephen Edwards will teach listeners lessons such as:

How To Overcome three core fears that everyone has: Again, one must identify their fears before they can learn how to overcome them. This series will point out the biggest three, so that the listener won\’t feel alone in their fears. Also, they will learn helpful tools in how to get past these thoughts that paralyze them in life.

How To Change Untrue Believes Into Enlightening Believes: How many of us are held back by bogus or untrue believes? As the saying goes, fear is false expectations appearing real. Yet many of us live in a perpetual state of fear. This is sad, because many of the fears that we think might come to pass, just aren\’t true. You will learn this in Your Miracle Life, and you will learn how to replace these false thoughts into positive and life changing thoughts.

How To Use Fear As A Tool, and To Not Be Controlled By It: People will realize after listening to this series, that while its good to have a healthy fear of certain dangerous situations, you can\’t allow fear to control your life. Stephen Edwards will teach you how to recognize the difference between healthy fear, and crippling fear.

How To Change Beliefs In Your Mind And Life That Are Old: This is a huge lesson for so many people. Too many people are crippled by thoughts, \”roles\”, or beliefs that have been handed down to them by family, or have been placed upon them by society. These beliefs often times either aren\’t true at all, or they aren\’t true anymore. Yet people become so stuck in operating by these believes, they don\’t know how to stop. Your Miracle Life by Stephen Edwards will teach listeners that they can recreate their beliefs. They don\’t have to follow the same, tired, dead scripts. They are in control of creating new scripts for themselves.

If you need hand holding in overcoming the fears that are blocking your progress and success, then you need to buy this 8 CD set.

Author Bio: Please visit The Personal Development Company if you would like to learn more about Your Miracle Life by Stephen Edwards

Category: Society
Keywords: Your Miracle Life, Stephen Edwards

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