Potty Training Dolls For Boys – A Clever Alternative

Potty training dolls for boys don\’t get searched for online as much as potty training dolls for girls.

That\’s too bad, because toilet training dolls are a terrific potty training aid when you are teaching your toddler new bathroom skills.

I have trained two sons of my own in potty skills and I\’ve found that it\’s not the doll that matters to little boys – it\’s the team effort. Here\’s what I mean.

– Potty dolls are an instant companion for your child. He now has a friend to play this new potty game with. Someone to talk to about the whole thing. To stop playing and go with him each and every time Mom, the timer, or his body says \”time to go potty\”. He also has someone to vent to when he\’s tired of playing this game, but Mom says \”keep going.\”

Don\’t underestimate this, by the way. As a parent, I often used my kids\’ toys to my advantage.

Me: \”you\’re tired of using the potty, huh? Have you talked to ____ (potty doll) about this? I wonder what he thinks.\”

I often got some pretty insightful comments out of my sons using this strategy. It helped them articulate to me what they were thinking and allowed me to address their concerns without being too confrontational.

After all, we were just talking to the doll.

– Training dolls, well, they train. If you choose an actual potty training doll that takes in liquid and pees that liquid out again, your son can see firsthand how this process works and what is expected of him.

Even if you opt to not use a traditional potty doll, you can use any favorite \”friend\” of your son\’s to make the same important training points.

This is where the concept of a potty doll can really shine with your little boy, but with a little twist.

Are you ready?

Action figures need to learn how to use the potty. Really.

Some little guys really like having a smaller version of them self to potty train with. For these boys, a traditional potty training doll works great.

But that may not be your little guy. So think outside the box just a tiny bit. Action figures are tough characters that some toddlers love to emulate.

Then think tough-guy potty training.

The upside of action figure potty training is that you can carry several in your purse and always have a \”man\” ready to go into action. Your son will find being responsible for his action figure may help in getting over potty training hurdles.

Maybe your child is not interested in action figures or dolls. That\’s fine. Does he have a favorite stuffed animal? Bingo! The nice thing about most stuffed animals is that they\’re big enough to wear a pair of big boy undies. This is an easy way to keep your training indirect, at least part of the time, and not trigger so many frustrations.

Mom: \”has Teddy Bear been to the potty since we woke up from a nap? You take him to the potty chair and help him. Don\’t forget to go potty yourself so Teddy knows you are both big boys.\”

Child: \”Okay, but I better go first so he\’ll know what to do, Mom.\”

Potty training dolls for boys are an extremely useful tool, especially if you think creatively. Help your child use his imagination in this positive way and you create an opportunity for him to be a responsible part of the toilet training process.

Author Bio: Colleen Langenfeld has potty trained four kids and helps other moms get more out of their mothering at www.paintedgold.com . Toilet train faster using her potty reward charts and creative ideas plus uncover more about potty training dolls by visiting her website today.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: potty training dolls,potty training dolls for boys,potty training dolls for girls,potty training

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