The China Mobile Population Exceed 8 Billion in 2010

According to China news, Chinese society has always \”open the door seven thing: daily necessities sauce vinegar tea\” say, Chinese academy of social sciences society researcher ShenChongLin pointed out yesterday, China mobile\’s population has more than eight million, truly has entered innumberable families, becoming China\’s social life \”open\” eighth thing.

Application by the Hong Kong polytechnic university sociology a sociology, the Chinese academy of social sciences and Peking University institute sociology department cooperation \”cell and society\” team, through several years in dalian, Shanghai, guangzhou, lanzhou, chengdu and nanning six municipal continuous in-depth investigation statistics that China mobile population, after initial slow growth, begin from 1998 to 2007 ten years into soaring trend, annual rise by an average of seven percent.

Based on the survey data, estimates that China from 1987 MoNiWang just opening, the only 300 cell phone users, to today, Chinese society of the population mobile population proportion in about 70 percent, the mobile phone has a population of more than eight million. According to current situation, development and mobile population hit 10 billion will soon. China mobile population of composing, also by the original single biggie, and included social all the class. Mobile population gender structure is the male mobile phone ownership is obviously higher than women, the former 9.08 percentage points higher than the latter. Meanwhile, urban and rural differences also be reflected, farming registered mobile population proportion of rural residence mobile population higher 17.6 percentage points.

ShenChongLin researcher is particularly pointed out that, from age structure look, middle-aged and young population is the subject of mobile population, but in almost all of the ages, all have cell phone users. From this survey data look, mobile population, the youngest only eight years old, the biggest have 89. Mobile population to the elderly and young population expansion, especially to young population expansion, which could cause and have the cause of the problem should cause social attention.

Qing branch research center new report says, although cell phone is mobile reading newspaper initial content, form, has experienced a long period of development, but overall, mobile reading is still in its early market. In the long run, as users pay habits and copyright protection system of being perfected, mobile reading content providers through independent platform or other third-party platform profit possibility will be greatly improved.

China mobile group data shows, 2009 March, China mobile group in zhejiang investment 500 billion yuan support zhejiang mobile reading base construction; 2009 May, group announced its G3 reader plans; 2009 in August, group and the red sea group cooperation development ebook, 2009 September, group launched at the end of TD electronic reader announced, its mobile phone reading products website launched closed. October 2009, the group of business from mobile reading last October start trial commercial. 2010 May 5, China mobile zhejiang reading base formal commercial operation.

China mobile (HK) by 2010 00941. The third quarter earnings shows, 2010 1-9 months to achieve the company operating income 3526.43 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth 7.8%, Realize net profit 872.45 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth 3.9%.

Earnings, said the popularization rate rises and subject moving telecommunication market competition environment change influence, customer growth slowed in. In addition, value-added business income growth has become the main pulling power.

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