Housewarming Gifts For a Young Family

Moving into a new home can be a great milestone in a young family’s life. If you know a young family who just moved into their first home, then consider getting them a nice housewarming gift that the whole family can enjoy.

While it may be tempting to get the parents a nice gift of congrats because of their great accomplishment, you should really consider that moving into a new home or even new city can be really hard for the kids, especially if they have to change schools and leave some friends behind. So finding a great housewarming gift to bring the family together during this eventful time would be really nice.

Indoor / Outdoor Games
Games are a great family activity, regardless of whether they are played indoors or outdoors. There are a lot of family friendly board games that every family should own! Consider what the family may already have, for example, Monopoly and Scrabble are common board games that most families already own, then try to find a new game that will engage all the members of the family. Most board games come with age recommendations, so consider the ages of the youngest child when considering what new board game to give them.

If the family has recently moved from an apartment or condo into a new home with a backyard, then consider getting the family some fun lawn games. Horseshoes or bocce ball is always a fun lawn game that everyone can enjoy, but make sure that the game is suitable for all members of the family; for instance, horseshoes may be too difficult for a five-year old because of the weight of the shoe and the throwing distance that is required, but bocce ball and croquet are both suitable for that age.

Or if the new family is moving into a home with a pool, then some fun pool toys may be a really great way to get them, especially the kids, excited about the new home. If there are really young kids, then you may consider some floaties or other suitable pool accessories.

Gift Certificate to Family Friendly Places
If you are familiar with the town that the young family is moving into, then consider getting them a gift certificate to a family friendly restaurant. This can be a great gift because it relieves the parents of cooking for their kids one night and it will get the whole family out and about in their new city. This can be an especially wonderful gift if it is given shortly after the family moves in. With so much organizing and unpacking to do, it may be hard for the parents to manage putting a decent meal on the table, so getting a gift certificate to a restaurant will certainly make their day!

Family Movie Night
Giving a young family a fun movie night can be a great way to bring them together. You can do this a few different ways. You might consider getting them a gift certificate to a local theatre, so they can take some time away from unpacking. Or you can get them a gift certificate to a local video store – this way they can choose a few different movies, maybe some for the kids and some for the parents, and they can enjoy the movies in their new home. If you go that route, then it may be fun to also include some popcorn and movie theatre candy when presenting the gift.

Yet another way to surprise them with fun movies is to get them a gift certificate to an online movie rental place, like Netflix, for a few months. Through an online rental subscription, they can watch as many movies as they want during that time frame, depending on how the subscription works, but this can be a great way for the family to plan regular movie nights in their new home for the next few months. And it will probably save them a bundle on entertainment costs if they are able to stay in and enjoy each other’s company through a pre-planned movie night.

Author Bio: There are so many great housewarming gift ideas that would please any young family, just remember to consider the ages of the children when finding something that all of them would enjoy. If you do not live nearby, then you might consider sending housewarming gift baskets!

Category: Society
Keywords: housewarming gift ideas,housewarming gift baskets,housewarming gifts

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