Bath Resurfacing and Bath Repair Projects: Know Your Options

Home designs and interiors are going simpler and less complicated each day while baths are usually given royal treatments with luxurious and extravagant enhancements. Today, softness, elegance and sophistication and softness are the right words for lavish washroom decor that have given much energy and vivacity to any household. The common necessities that can be found in a bathroom include toilet, tub, shower and sink. If your shower stall or maybe bathtub starts to look old and grimy, then you may have thought of replacing it. However a replacement can get pretty expensive. So what if you don’t have that much budget for a total bathroom makeover? It is entirely possible to have your bath resurfaced so it would appear just like those that you see on a showroom floor. Fix all the pesky leaks with a bath resealing project. Here are other easy bathroom renovation projects that won’t rob you off your bank.

Resealing your bathtub

Bath resealing is often done to cure leaks or replace current sealing that has turned moldy and attractive inside your bathroom interiors. It is perhaps among the easiest ways for you to give your bath a new and refreshing look. Never underestimate the effect of fresh seals it can give to your overall bathroom look. When your bath is being resealed, all the old sealants and silicone are totally removed. The surface is also thoroughly cleaned and then left to dry completely even before a brand new sealing substance is applied. Silicone is a common sealing agent that is being used today. This can be an easy job for many but attention to detail is also something critical. Bath resealing should only be done in matter of sixty to ninety minutes. A professional bathroom remodeling company should bring in the required sealants and tools for the project. If there are any other problems seen inside such as loose tiles and unstable baths, then they can advise you on work that has to be completed to ensure that your seals stay tight and also waterproofed. Make sure you don’t use the bath for around 12 hours before the resealing project and then 24 hours after it is accomplished.

Resurfacing your bath

Bath resurfacing may be needed when your current bath is starting to chip, suffering from the ‘wear & tear’ phenomenon, get stained and maybe looking less than what is supposed to be. Resurfacing your bath will restore it into looking like a new one and an awesome looking bath will only mean that the rest of the bathroom will also enhance its look. Your bath can undergo resurfacing even without removing it from its present position and can be done in only a matter of hours. The resurfacing project would involve preparing, repairing, bonding and coating built in baths. Rust and any form of damage should be totally repaired or removed before the final resurfacing process starts. Bathroom resurfacing is a cost effective option and is 75% cheaper compared to replacing an entire bath altogether.

Reglaze your tub

Also known as re enameling, bathtub reglazing is a repair project where chips and cracks are initially filled in and then its surface reglazed into a shiny and strong finish that will make it appear good as new. The process can also be termed as refinishing and also cost the least among many small bath renovation projects.

Author Bio: To learn more about Bath Resurfacing and Bathtub Reglazing tips, visit our site and blog at

Category: Home Management
Keywords: bath resurfacing, bathtub reglazing

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