How to Install a Wireless Router

Having a wireless router net work is a great way to share your work with others. It takes no paper at all. You can send the documents, pictures, video whatever straight to the persons PC or laptop. To get this new network started all you have to do is to install the wireless router. This will be the central hub for all of your devices on the network. All the access points will connect in the wireless router and send data back and forth between all of the devices.

Not everyone is technically inclined, but even the most technically inept person can install a wireless router. It really is quite simple. The most important thing to remember is that you have to route all of the devices so that the modem connects indirectly to the computer. The devices should be connected to the wireless router and the router to the modem.

Step One
Choose a good wireless router. Not all of them will give you the kind of signal you need. the really cheapo’s can be limited to speeds of 56 MBPS. That is a snail compared to what you can get. If your access points are in different areas you need a router that has Mega range capability. These are generally your Dual band wireless routers. You will also need one USB for each device you are planning to hook up.

Step Two
If your Wireless router comes with software, connect the router to the DSL or cable modem and install the software. Now disconnect the wireless and unplug the cable or DSL remove the Ethernet cord that runs between the cable or DSL and the computer. Do not unplug it from the modem. Make sure you also leave the phone cord plugged in as well.

Step Three
Now insert the ends of the Ethernet into the port on the wireless router for the Internet. It is usually marked pretty clearly. They generally are color-coded. Plug the modem back into the power socket. This should be a reliable surge protector. Now plug the Ethernet cable that is a part of the wireless router kit into the Ethernet connection on the back of the computer. Plug the other end into the router.

Step Four
Plug the wireless router into its own surge protected power supply. It is advisable to use to quality surge protectors to keep the electricity flowing. It is now time for you to see the lights. If all the lights are on and glowing then you are in business. If the lights are not on then it is time to check the wiring set up. This may meant that you have to start from the beginning to make certain all of your connections are made in the right places.

Once the lights come on you are now ready to connect the rest of your devices to their USB ports. You can get it al lup and running in as little as 30 minutes to an hour.

Author Bio: To learn more about good quality wireless routers, visit today!

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: Wireless Router

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