How to Prepare Your Home for the Summer Season

One of the responsibilities of being a homeowner is making sure your home is ready for each season. Each year there are a list of to-do items that help you ensure your home is safe and comfortable, regardless of the temperature or the precipitation outside. Most people know the drill for winter. Every fall they add insulation, shut off exterior water valves and stock up on snow removal equipment like ice melt, shovels and gas for the snow blower. However, they may be at a loss for what to do once the snow melts and the blazing heat of summer is on the way. While some of the chores that need to be done for summer are not a matter of safety like winter chores are, they are still necessary for ensuring your home is comfortable and your family able to endure the harsh heat of summer. Begin by having your summer appliances serviced. Call in an air conditioning repair man or air conditioning service. This will ensure you will have a cool place to get relaxation during the hottest months of summer.

Another thing you will want to do before the sun starts burning brighter than the rest of the year is to lay grass seed. It is a good idea to do it in the spring months before things really heat up. This gives the seeds time to germinate and allows the spring rains to do their job. If you lay the seed in a timely manner and follow all of the directions included on the seed packaging, you will have a green, lush lawn come mid-July. This will give you weeks of summer enjoyment, picnicking and playing in your outdoor space. Be sure to keep an eye on the lawn all season long so you can water the grass when necessary.

While you will have probably planted your bulbs back in the fall and by early to mid-spring they will be blossoming, you may still have some that get planted in the spring. In addition to the bulbs, you can plant new annuals in the garden that will bring color and flash to your summer garden. In addition to the flowers you want to plant, you will want to get vegetable seeds into the grounds as soon as the freeze breaks. Check your seed packets and planting recommendations for your region so you can decide when to plant the items you want to grow in your garden. Gardening is a time-consuming activity, but when you are sharing fresh vegetables and fruits and enjoying the blossoming flowers of your garden come summer time, it will be well worth the work.

Changing of the seasons typically means a big switch in storage items and summer is no exception. Getting ready for the summer means putting away the winter equipment like shovels and buckets of salt and bringing out grills, patio furniture and gardening equipment. You will need to hook up your hoses, get your planter boxes and pots ready and decorate again with your garden decor. Bringing your garden back to life is one of the best things about getting ready for summer.

Finally, if you have a pool, get to work as soon as possible prepping it for summer. You will want to squeeze every last second of use out of your pool, so the sooner it is open, the better. As soon as you can, get the chemicals into your pool so it is clean and fresh for early summer swimming.

Author Bio: Penny Lane recently contacted a Louisville air conditioning repair specialist to fix a problem at her office. She scheduled to have a Louisville air conditioning service to come to her house for a routine maintenance.

Category: Business
Keywords: Louisville air conditioning repair,Louisville air conditioning service

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