Communication: The Key to Organizational Growth and Development

In dealing with organizational growth and development, communication is among the indispensable and highly prioritized elements in order to achieve the desired results of the said organization. Communication allows the exchanges of insights and feedback on each other and about anything relevant to the development of the institution. Among the benefits of a good and open communication is that healthy feedback mechanism. In every organization, there will always come a time when conflicting opinions and desires arise. It is also natural that people find others actions and demeanors as offensive. These sentiments should be communicated tactfully and respectfully in order to bridge the gap that was created because of such differences. Without any venue for ventilation and expression of these emotions and views, the members of the organization will feel discontentment and frustration within the workplace and they will either simply suffer in silence or explode in anger against the fellow worker or member.

Especially in the business sector, communication is very essential in achieving the goals of an organization. Business plans will never be realized properly and successfully if the organizers or planners do not relay the information to their subordinates and fellow workers. In every endeavor, even outside the realm of business, information as regards the plan and strategy are very important so that every member can understand and deliver one’s role as expected. If every member will perform one’s role properly, there will always be great chances of success. But again, the person can never perform well, even if he or she is highly skilled or talented, if one does not know and understand the overall plan and strategy in achieving the organizational goals. Without proper information and knowledge with regard to the task required, chances are the person will simply do redundant tasks or perform excellent things but unrelated to the purpose of the undertaking, or simply waste time and resources and not do anything at all.

Still in the business sector, the procedures of sale do not anymore just involve the on-sale transactions. Gone are the days that after one has purchased something then all that the buyer can do in case there is some trouble with the product is rely on the manual provided or undergo the hassle of bringing the said object to the service center of the maker. Today, there is the growing global practice of after-sales customer service. This after-sale service requires systematic and modern communication procedures on the part of the company to ensure that their customers can easily reach them through all the channels of communication. In this way, the clients are given full satisfaction of their transaction with the company. In turn, the business entity grows not only in terms of finances but also in view of their credibility and integrity as seller before the community and its individual members who are the consumers and clienteles of the said enterprise.

Indeed, in every organization, communication is always an essential factor for growth and progress since it allows every concerned individual to express ones ideas, insights, and suggestions that are geared towards the development of the institution, whether in business, government, or any other entities of society.

Author Bio: Alison Paisley enjoys writing for which offers business telephone systems and ivr phone system as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Business
Keywords: business,communication,team

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