Tatiana Flavored Cigars Review & Company History

Tatiana Cigars have been topping the list of favorites among cigar lovers. A growing trend among many enthusiasts involves expanding their previously trained palate to evolve and take on the role of sampling flavored cigars, in addition to the traditional rods of the past. Even though it has taken some a little longer to jump on the bandwagon, this is definitely a trend that cannot simply be ignored or brushed aside. In fact, the popularity of these flavored cigars does not show signs of losing interest any time soon. Thus, it comes as no surprise to seasoned aficionados that one of the most sought after brands of flavored cigars in the world is Tatiana Cigars.

These hand rolled beauties are made only from the highest quality Cuban seed Dominican long filler tobaccos, and swaddled in wrappers native to Indonesia, giving them even more reason to be a smoker’s favorite. In addition, enthusiasts can expect a smooth, calming smoke to fill the room, which is a direct result of the two year aging process all the tobacco must go through in order to be considered worthy. Once the process is complete, Tatiana cigars also provide a variety of options in regards to packaging. For example, these cigars can be purchased by the box, tin, in tubes, by the bundle, or according to the different exotic flavors offered. Whichever packing is chosen, one thing is certain, they are sure to please the palate of the cigar lover.

Although the flavors, construction, and performance of Tatiana cigars are top notch and lend themselves to enough praise, the story behind the name of the brand is even more captivating. Cigar Aficionado wrote an article about Miami Cigar and Company in 1996, which included a detailed story about the family and each of their roles in regards to the business. Tatiana, however, was omitted from the story because she was still a high school student and not considered active in the family business. This upset Tatiana immensely that she was not mentioned in the article, considering she often helped her mother in the office. Therefore, as a way to apologize to Tatiana, the company took on the name Tatiana Flavored Cigars.

Since then, Tatiana has decided to take on an active role with Tatiana Cigars and has achieved great success in managing such a thriving line of flavored cigars. In fact, the Tatiana brand dominates among flavored cigars in general, holding more than 43 percent of the market. Perhaps this is because these cigars appeal to a large scale of men and women. Women are inquiring more and more about these cigars by Tatiana, due in part to the lovely aromas put off.

With great cigars, like those offered with the Trio and Mocha lines, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the appeal. For example, the Trio line, which includes Groovy Blue, Night Cap, and Waking Dream, range in flavor from black Amboise raspberries with vanilla, honey and cognac, to Marcona Almonds, Cafe Arabica, Criollo Cocoa, and on to Vanilla Cr

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