A History of Quesada Tributo Cigars

The 5th generation of the Quesada family has introduced Quesada Tributo cigars to the world as a tribute to their ancestors. Created with love and remembrance, Quesada Tributo cigars represent a tobacco legacy that has molded and shaped this Empire into what it is today. This is truly a very special cigar.

Quesada Tributo cigars represent the start of a new era for the Quesada 5th Generation. Quesada is seeing huge opportunities opening up in his business as his production has more than tripled during the past five years. Events on the horizon include the emergence of the a manufactured brand, Romeo y Julieta, into the empire of Tabacalera, the Spanish tobacco giant. The brand gives Tabacalera an entry into the U.S. market for the first time. This manufacturer has also started a joint venture with Mike’s Cigars of Miami and J. R. Tobacco to manufacture new brands in a new factory. Quesada has an ongoing commitment to growth and quality for his tobacco enterprise, and with Quesada Tributo cigars opening a new chapter for a new generation of tobacco blenders, this is sure to be an exciting journey for a family that has come so far in the cigar business.

The Quesada Tributo brand was made by Manuel Quesada and his team of daughters, nephews, and nieces, who are known as the “Fifth Generation”. these cigars come out of MATASA (manufactura de Tabacos S.A.) in Santiago. Unlike other cigar manufacturers who have been involved in multi-million dollar purchases, building enormous factories, Manuel has taken a quieter approach to building his business.

During the first beginnings of the cigar renaissance in 1992, MATASA and Quesada were among the founding members of Pro-Cigar, an organization established to promote Dominican cigars. Today Pro-Cigar is a consortium of some of the finest cigar manufacturers in the world who have been instrumental in putting the Dominican Republic on the map as “Cigar Country”

Manuel Quesada started in the family enterprise at the age of 13 in Cuba. He came from a family of leaf brokers who became one of the major exporters of Cuban tobacco to the world market, although they journeyed from humble beginnings. Quesada’s great-grandfather came to Cuba from Spain with his family as bakers. The bakery proved too small for him and his brother, who were the last to come to Cuba. When a debt to the family was paid with tobacco, the family told the two youngest brothers to take the payment and turn it into a livelihood. That is just what they did by starting their leaf purchasing company in Cuba together. In 1960, they were forced into exile, transferring their entire business to the Dominican Republic, where they had been buying and selling tobacco for years. It was in the Dominican Republic that the Quesada family began manufacturing cigars, slowly making their way into the forefront of the tobacco industry.

To quote Quesada, “For many years we have carried heavy hearts missing those we have lost, but now that burden is lifted and we are ready to celebrate their lives through this cigar and this Tributo.”

Tributo cigars…”It’s more than just a new cigar, It’s our family!”

Author Bio: For more information Quesada Tributo Cigars and other types La Gloria Cubana cigars as well a Ashton Cigars visit our online cigar shop

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: Quesada Tributo Cigars, Quesada Tributo Cigar History

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