Shakers and Movers Have Never Been So Interesting

Where industry is concerned there are machines, buildings and bridges that needs to be checked over for safety before the public is allowed to use them. Engines, in particular have many moving parts and these must be made perfectly if movement or judder is to be avoided. The machines that are used in this process ‘listens’ to the chatter that the engines make and they are used to pinpoint where the faults are. Torsional excitation and electrodynamic shakers are just two of the processes used to make sure that everything is as it should be.

In the building industry in particular, machines are used to make processes much easier. Shaking and stamping machines which give firm surfaces for the cement to be poured onto were made to make this process easier for the workmen. If this were to be done by hand then this would be a rather labor intensive process for sure. If the machine used in this process was not calibrated properly, the constant thumping would surely break the machine before too long.

Then there are those huge buildings which are built in earth quake zones. To stop them falling down or cracking when the earth moves, some of them have been built onto vast springs which allow the building to move as the earth does. Although this is a miraculous process, the springs themselves have to be tested by these machines to ensure that they are up to the job at hand too.

Most buildings would just collapse like a pack of cards once the outside pressures built up, but with these springs in situ the whole building will just move around as and when the pressure is felt. These springs are vast, naturally, and must have no faults at all in them otherwise they would weaken the whole structure. Once the specialist machines have been used, they can be passed for use in the buildings of course.

This machine also tests out the huge engines used on ships and airplanes too. The screw, as it is called on a ship. Is what moves the whole thing forward so any cracks or faults in this will surely make the whole vessel unsafe to use. When all the pistons and other parts are spinning and pushing the screw, any undue movement will make the engine seize up or fall apart. So these machines are used to listen for the chatter which should not be there. A re-bore on the engine is required since the drive shaft is what will be touching the sides of the shaft.

The machines are so finely tuned that they hear or feel any kind of movement in a building or engine well before it is apparent to a human being. The adjustments can be made early on to avoid any down time or accidents happening in future.

For those who would like to read more on this fascinating and intriguing subject, try browsing on the internet for the companies who undertake this important work. There should be plenty of information there to satisfy even the most inquiring of minds.

Author Bio: Ellie Lewis recently met with an engineer who could explain the use of torsional excitation and its benefits. She was very impressed with electrodynamic shakers on how it works.

Category: Business
Keywords: torsional excitation,electrodynamic shakers

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