High School Football Stats

The glorious world of high school football stats. prepsportfantasy.com would be a shell of itself without them. Fans of prep football just love throwing around them numbers for their local sports stars. Stats are the weigh we measure and compare and high school football might just be king of competitive comparisons. Let\’s take a quick look at high school football stats and how they play into our fantasy leagues.

There\’s nothing we like better than overhearing two serious football fans is furious stat battle over breakfast at a restaurant. It usually goes something like this in-between swigs of coffee and swallows of eggs over medium. \”Are you kidding, Reggie\’s got 23 touchdowns for the season and he\’s clocking 200+ yards per game. That\’s a school, if not league record\”. Rebuttal comes fast and hard. \”Doesn\’t matter. McClersky\’s got almost that much in passing and he\’s adding another 50 yards rushing each game. He\’s running circles around your boy who just sits there in the pocket!\” On and on it goes. We love that stuff! So, what are the big stats that matter in Prep Football besides the win of course.

The stats in high school football are a little more specialized than some other sports by position. Let\’s start with the big ones. First, we have to talk quarterbacks for a second. That\’s usually most expressed by Passing Yards. That\’s the total yards passed in a game. Other than some trick plays where the receiver launches a Hail Mary down the sideline, only the Quarterback will rack up points in this category. Although some quarterbacks will also have rushing yards (we\’ll discuss next), their real contribution is passing and it can be a big one so we need to choose wisely for our fantasy leagues. A good pick here can take you to the top.

The next big category would be Rushing Yards. Again, quarterbacks may get some play here but it\’s mainly going to be Running backs as the recipient of Rushing Yards in a game. This is an extremely important category when picking fantasy players since the run game is typically a dominant part of high school football strategy. Having a good passing game is hit or miss but most schools can provide some good rushing yardage.

The final piece of prep football\’s big three stat trifecta is receiving yards. This can also be a big fantasy league component which primary benefits receivers. Let\’s not forget Tight Ends however. Some high school football programs make good use of their Tight Ends while other\’s don\’t. This is where you may steal a good stat player by knowing a little about the team. If a given high school football team has quick Tight End with sticky hands, that could be a good move.

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