It is Hard to Find the Migrant Workers in the New Year

In the past, pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta enterprise with salary advantage from the Midwest has attracted lots of talent strength. Today, workers need only in the home, can find oneself satisfactory salary.

In anhui international exhibition center, the job fairs, the reporter sees a large enterprise needs to recruit operators unexpectedly as high as 35 name, \”the first operators, the probation period 1 month, income is not less than 1800 yuan, becomes a piece rates 1800-2800 after yuan.\” This enterprise recruiter Mr Chu said, \”not only employee wages is better than the traditional raised 500 yuan or so, the company also provides board and lodging, and provide high temperature subsidies, the full attendance prize, the length of service award, etc.\”

Not only the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta enterprises face to hire a difficult, reporter in henan, anhui two interview found that local enterprises also faces labor waste problem, in henan province finished county of northern industrial zone vortex, a textile factory have so far failed to start work, is because find workers. Local enterprises this year also appeared labor shortages and only shows that large migrant workers force has \”shrink\”.

Parents won\’t 90 after \”agriculture dmc2 out jobs

The reason is that migrant workers appeared \”fault\”. At first migrant workers army mainly after 80s give priority to, now, after 80 gradually become \”father mother\”, in order not to let their children into left-behind children, they no longer work out, And 90 born after \”agriculture dmc2, parents worry about electronic factory, on its body factory damage, is not willing to let them go out jobs.

ChanHui is \”agriculture second-generation\” typical, this year he is after he graduated from junior high school, 19, who had dropped out at home. Parents are farmers, basically rely on farming and raise some pigs to earn a living.

\”Guangdong enterprise servantchoose a person for a job now very nervous, have more than 2,000 yuan per month, why wouldn\’t let him go to work?\” The reporter asked ChanHui mother is wang ying. \”Clothing factory is too tired, everyday working so long, can make a little money nor good to health,\” wang ying said, \”electronics factory pollution bigger, heard that some people go electronics factory working for several years can\’t breed more, we won\’t let him take the risk.\” Wang ying has given ChanHui planned it, to go first technical school learn a few years after move free design, gave him a little money let him open online or to company when \”white-collar\”. If be no good really go home now, \”anyway farming fields can also is wrapped fullbellyproject.\”

In henan finished county jia beach township scholartree in WangZhuangCun, at present the brigade roughly around 20 has not read, 90 after the lad. Reporter discovery, among them turn visit with only two plans after go to work in the factories, and other 18 people are same, refused to be a documentary fai \”industrial workers\”.

Fuyang of 2.1 million migrant workers return entrepreneurship

Even once out some of the \”agriculture work second generation\”, also have started his business, some outside to see some profitable business directly back home a factory.

Next month, secularly springs area ning predetermination town money invested and set CaiYun warfarin anhui\’s dress Co., LTD. To start. \”My enterprise it can absorb thousands of employment. Money warfarin said. The reporter understands, fuyang that migrant workers return home employment jiancheng climax, to promote the development of local economy a \”force\”. Up to now, fuyang of 2.1 million migrant workers return entrepreneurship, founded by economic entity 11,000.

The pain of left-behind

Don\’t back ran side

Ran future was ruined

Henan migrant workers finished the county is a large county, the county 116 million mouth, every year at least 20 million migrant workers. As long as not qingming festival, Mid-Autumn festival, such holidays, fangyuan 1000 square kilometers of the size of the country, is only old people and children.

Parents didn\’t return to Chinese New Year, 14 lasses ran away from home

Left-behind children grew up, lack of parents love consequences has also become manifest. Small dreams (a pseudonym) is a village of finished county left-behind children, this year already 14 years old, from her father came up four years old, dongguan when security while his mother in the dongguan selling newspapers. Small dreams can be with grandma at home was an infant.

Since last year, small dreams begin pessimistic and often try to commit suicide. This spring, small dreams father due to duty, parents are not home New Year, small dreams in thirty evening cried exactly one evening, the lunar New Year ran away from home, until the fifth to back. Small dreams in runaway when left a note to my grandma above probably mean, \”dozen my sensible up, I would think inequality, and others have parents. I can\’t see the other people\’s parents send money to send meal, I suspect that I did you adopted. I knew grandma you like me very much, but I\’m going to find my own parents.\”

Rural 8 into students lack the parents directly concern

Finished the county jia beach dickers principal HanLiMing tells a reporter, the children go to school here in chengdu is more than 8 \”left-behind children\”. \”I am more headmaster, than say parents,\” HanLiMing self-mockery under a lot of pressure, \”know these children usually no parents love, and every day I sat in the office, busy work with the students one chat, like their brother, father as well.\”

Reporter in finished the county, the lack of parents love to see left-behind children, has become a serious social problem. \”Now junior high school, high school students are all\” thugs \”, \”county a teacher tells a reporter,\” literally give them two 300 yuan, dozens of students to come out, make dozen who dozen who.\”

Some migrant workers to the child education started to take action

Some farmers have been aware of left-behind children triggered serious problem and started to take action.

\”I\’ve so, can\’t let Eva again like me, rather less zheng point, also want to cultivate good him!\” At the age of 26 WeiDongWei in yiwu some electronics factory have been working for six years, this year back to hometown henan finished. Spring Festival just passed, yiwu pledged his wages and to 2600 yuan, can WeiDongWei simply not moved, his heart with iron 4-year-old son together.

\”Spring 2009 back, already quick 2-year-old son deny us,\” WeiDongWei said, \”the evening want to put their son embrace to our bed sleeping, he refused to cry and make noise.\”

This Spring Festival after come back, WeiDongWei found his son personality become very strange, \”seem was filled with hatred as, to anything, as long as one does not satisfactory can temper,\” WeiDongWei said, \”originally, the kindergarten children have been laughed at him, said parents don\’t him. But grandpa\’s grandmother to him again, what matter too spoiled all along he.\”

\”The three years to see big, seven years old watch the old\”, \”WeiDongWei said,\” if I don\’t back to him, I will nullify the ran this.\”

WeiDongWei from home five kilometres of county town industrial park wheeled and found like him, every month of wages dab at unexpectedly also has 2300 yuan. Strengthened his determination to stay at home.

Henan deny interception of migrants

Officials say by individual apiration characteristics.khs employment

Report from our correspondent according to the river reported recently, there are many media reports, before the Spring Festival, southeast, south China and many other traditional recruitment province have been painted labor shortage. While in hubei, sichuan province labor export, local government and enterprise introducing more measures \”intercept peasant workers, appeared the Midwest and the eastern simulate10 conditions of migrant workers.

Journalist visit henan anhui found left-behind children problem is that many migrant workers would not go out as well

December 27, is every Chinese family busy preparing for the feast day. But this day, yantai must then made apparel limited JiangShuYan with driver came to a remote small county, eastern her task is to recruit more than 100 in the local rural migrant workers.

\”Before the Spring Festival, migrant workers are home, this come when recruiting, most people, also the most easily,\” bring them to JiangShuYan said, \”two years ago, I also am years ago, when plans to hire a recruitment over 100 people, the results more than 200 people to rob to sign up.\” Can let her disappoints, until after the Spring Festival in the arrest, she is only hiring ten-odd people, \”hiring reght now too hard!\” JiangShuYan helplessly say.

In the Yangtze river delta and pearl river delta, is accepting waste life of the people behind the changes of ideas: after 80 gradually changed: \”father mother\”, no longer went out after work, 90 also does not want to do migrant workers, Labor waste is also China industrial transfer and Midwest big inevitable development of the Midwest undertake large transferring enterprises, absorption of the countryside surplus labor force.

Wen/chart our newspaper reporter special henan, anhui WangFei

58 million left-behind children into rural migrant workers concerned

The all-china women\’s federation of survey data shows, the whole country at present rural left-behind children about 58 million people, including 14 years old the following rural left-behind children about 40 million, nearly 30 percent left-behind children parents outdoor-workers fixed number of year in five years. For many left-behind children, mom and dad is the voice on the phone, long-term familiy care, hosting to slacker left-behind children issue has caused working away of migrant workers in the serious concern.

Reporter in henan xihua county interview, many folks are tells a reporter, left-behind children questions are the migrant workers don\’t want to go out the main reason.

Status quo sketch

\”At home treatment

With to guangdong as\”

In industry shift along the way, many enterprises start to turn in the Midwest. Grand (finished) clothing Co., LTD. Is the eastern small county finished county of inviting the traders and a large taiwan-funded enterprises, located in finished just built vortex north large industrial zone.

Local enterprise tempting benefits recruit people

Ten, the reporter arrived early plant the door, see a large number of urban and rural migrant workers from the nearby the fill in application form. In order to attract migrant workers, the factory with \”each working procedure according to guangdong corporation also piece unit price standard calculation\” commitment. The salary for skilled tram sewing, give safeguard wages 1200-2000 yuan of above treatment.

The day before yesterday, henan human resource and social security hall officials said that at present, henan and more than 800 million for surplus labor transfer urgently, not only welcome migrant workers nearby employment at home, also encouraged to domestic employment, peasant workers in the province or outside the part-time job, completely by individual apiration, there is no \”intercept\” say.

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