Curing Back Pain: More Than Sitting on Your Massaging Chair

One of the most irritating things man has to face daily is pain. But pain, no matter how discomforting or uneasy it may be, has a very useful purpose in our body. It signals to our brain that something is not functioning well in our body and thus we are called to attention for the necessary treatment. Had there been no physical pain that exists, we wouldn’t be able to tell when our bones our breaking or our skin is burning.

One instance that exemplifies the simple usefulness of physical pain is the back pain. Back pains simply put, are pains felt in the dorsal area of the body. It can have many causes, among which are: the muscles, the bones, the joints, the nerves or the spine. But causes are not limited to these. Sometimes the pain may come from external factors such as being hit hard at the back or the back skin’s exposure to intense temperatures (both cold and hot).

Apart from these causes, there are also many kinds of back pain. It can be divided into two major areas of the back, the upper and lower back. For the upper back pain, it may be a neck pain or upper back pain. For the lower back pain, it may be the lower back pain (lower back area behind the stomach) or even lower which is called the tailbone pain.

Indeed back pain can also have different durations. It may stay for quite a while, or it can just last for about a day. There are also different degrees of intensities of the pain, and this is where one can determine whether pain killers are needed or not. Sometimes, back pain may be dull soreness that can easily be endured, but sometimes, it may be a sharp pain where it practically renders one ‘paralytic’ and may need immediate treatment. As earlier said, back pain can also have different durations. A back pain lasting only less than 4 weeks is called the acute back pain, while one that lasts for 4 to 12 weeks is the subacute back pain. More than this, and it already falls under the chronic pain where treatment and heavy pain killers are needed.

Back pain may sound like a simple problem. Indeed one can treat it nonchalantly and may be remedied by simple domestic means such as sitting on a massaging chair. But for some types of back pain, a massaging chair may be more than what is needed.

The more serious types of back pain can have other health implications, and would thus need treatment other than removing the pain away. Back pain may indicate a bone fracture in the dorsal area. In most cases, this would require an operation. It could also imply the development or the presence of back bone deficiency such as osteoporosis or scoliosis. These types of sickness can be remedied easily once in the earlier stages, but again just like back pain, may need serious treatment when continuously ignored.

Author Bio: Marion Mccants enjoys writing about massaging chair and massage chair ratings as well as related products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hand tools,construction method,home remodeling,home construction

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