How to Get an Audition for the Disney Channel

The Disney channel has launched tons of celebrity careers. For this reason, working as an actor at the Disney channel is a position that is coveted by all aspiring child actors. Disney is an international brand name. They only select the cream of the crop for grooming. This is because that child will be representing the Disney brand. With the following tips, your child could also get a foot in the door at Disney and possibly become their next big star.

The first thing you would have to do would be to get an agent for your aspiring child actor. Agents are expected to know what is going on in the entertainment industry. It is their job to know where and when Disney auditions are being held. They are the people that will schedule auditions and seal job offers for your child. Agents may be expensive but they earn their keep. This is because they earn their commission from the child\’s wages thus they have to get auditions and jobs for your child or else they will not be paid. Some agents may ask for a retainer fee. This is more common with agents that have made a name for themselves in the industry and have cultivated a number of big names.

You could also peruse the internet and visit casting call websites. You may be in luck and find a Disney casting call has been posted. The disadvantage of open casting calls is that thousands of children will be auditioning for the same spot. They are in no way as intimate as private casting calls. But if you have no way of getting another audition, take your child for an open casting call. If they are truly talented, they will stand out from all the other aspiring child actors to the casting directors. The key to having a smooth open casting call is to ensure that you arrive early. You may end up being in line for hours and this will not be comfortable for either you or your child. Your best option would be to get to the venue as early as you can so that you are among the first people in line. The sooner your child is seen, the better.

Your other option would be to make a video of your child performing their favorite Disney numbers and sending this to the producers at Disney. This is the most difficult way of getting an audition but you may never know what can transpire. Disney receives thousands of tapes daily so your child\’s tape will have to have that wow factor that will make the staff at Disney take notice. The video you make for your child should include a singing performance and a dancing performance. It would be an added bonus if it could also showcase them acting a popular scene from a Disney movie. Remember you are trying your best to impress them so anything goes! It may take months or even years for the tape to be viewed, but hopefully it will get your child a chance to have a private audition.

Author Bio: Looking for tips and information regarding disney channel auditions? You can join our site to search thousands of opportunities and tips on disney channel film auditions

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: disney singing audition,disney singing,disney audition

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