Basic Information on Herb Grinders

Many people have become interested in herb grinders in the past few years. This is likely due to the interest in holistic medicine as well as the upsurge in popularity of cooking with fresh or homegrown herbs. For many people, the ability to store whole herbs and spices and grind them for use later is a very attractive option. Whole herbs, even when dried, tend to keep more of their essential oils than pre-ground herbs.

There are various styles on the market. From manual to electric, your choices are not limited. The manual models have their own appeal to individuals who want to do things in the old way, while the electric ones appeal to those who want convenience. The ability to grind your own herbs and spices can make a dramatic difference in your health, wellness, and culinary pursuits.

The materials from which they can be made can make a difference in the quality, longevity, and final result when you grind herbs. Some would argue that the wooden ones are the best, since they are an all natural material. While there may be some merit to this argument, one should take all of the options into consideration before making a decision. The other options are ceramic, and metal. These are usually the most popular materials when it comes to grinders.

Ones made of metal usually have the advantage of longevity, durability, and sanitation. It is easier to clean metal surfaces as compared to a porous surface like wood or ceramic. They also have the advantage of being lighter than other types. Typically, aluminum is used as the metal of choice. It is not reactive, not corrosive, and not difficult to clean and store.

Ceramic or acrylic grinders have the ability to get a nice grind on herbs and spices without heating them up like their metal cousins. Some studies have shown that the heat produced in grinding with metal parts can alter some of the properties of the herbs and spices. While not a large concern if you are trying to grind for culinary purposes, it could make a difference if you intend to engage in natural medicinal applications of the plants.

Most manual types are made from wood or ceramic materials. These tend to have only two parts; the container, and the top. Grinding takes place by twisting the top. It makes for a quick job, but the result can be inconsistent, especially when compared with the electric versions offered on the market today. Some automatic versions also include a screen to catch the pollens that can result from the process.

If you grow your own herbs, you should understand that the only way a grinder will do a good job for you is if you only use dried plant material. If the material is green, it will not grind the way you want it to. You might consider low heat dehydration. The low level of heat will not harm the oils and other essentials in the plants but will remove excess moisture a bit quicker than open air drying.

There are many places in which to find the type or style you desire. Check online and locally before making your final decision. This will help you avoid a compulsive purchase as well as ensure you find the best one for the money.

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Category: Recreation
Keywords: smoking,tobacco,recreation,leisure,society,bongs,pipes,herbs,hobbies,business,family,home

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