The Diet Solution That Is Guaranteed To Work – The GOYA Principle

The definition of this principle is not mine and I do not wish to claim it as my own. However I have no memory of who to credit for this principle. I was at university doing a course in management and I was shown a film that had the title The GOYA Principle. It must have been a good film because the principle has stuck with me ever since. I would now like to apply this principle to your diet solution.

I guess we have all bumped into people who are extremely lyrical about what should be done to solve a particular problem. The government should do this or the council should do that. Why don’t they pass a law against this or isn’t it time they had an investigation into that. We shake our heads at times when we see something on TV quite certain that if we had the power we could solve this and that and it all seems so simple.

However it is also true that we live in an age where none of us want to get involved. It can be amazing how at times someone can almost die in the busy street and scores of people walk by not wanting to get involved. Older people die in their apartments and it may be weeks or months before the situation becomes known. It is terrible how such things happen but we inwardly hope that it will be someone else who will carry the responsibility. We are at work and we see something that really needs attention but to do so will impose upon my time and slow me down in the performance of my responsibility and so I look away and hope I don’t have to solve the problem. After all I don’t really need to be late home this evening!

And then on arriving at home I am faced with a whole host of items that need attention around the home. I should ring Fred, he lost his job last week and I have yet to pick up the phone and give him a bit of encouragement. However there is the match tonight and I don’t want to miss out on watching this, everybody is quite certain it’s going to be a great match. Right at half time comes the advert on the TV that is talking about that great new program for losing weight. I really should do something about my weight, my clothes no longer fit and there are times when I feel really uncomfortable. This really looks like my diet solution and it is time I did something about it. But the second half starts and all thoughts of weight-loss are soon forgotten. Yes the diet solution was right there but once again I failed to act on what I know deep down I should be doing.

Is this is a picture of your life, or something like it? Have you seen the diet solution so many times that you feel guilty every time you see the advert? You know it’s time to order the Diet Solution Program and the Fat Burning Furnace and it is time for you to bring the GOYA principle into your life. It could actually change your life. You simply need to Get Off Your Ass!

Act on the GOYA principle now – visit my website below and do something about your weight.

Author Bio: Frank Rogers writes on diet, weight loss and lifestyle. He prefers to see the positive aspects and rewards of lifestyle change and is not afraid to embrace new and radical ideas if they if they produce positive results. Two very different programs challenge much of contemporary thinking and he feels they are worth a closer evaluation. To learn more of these positive lifestyle changes visit

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: diet solution, The Diet Solution Program, The Fat Burning Furnace.

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