Healthy Food For a Healthy Brain

You have probably heard of brain foods before, but what exactly is it? Brain foods refer to food that is rich in nutrients and chemicals that ensure a healthy brain function. Brain foods have been found to be vital to boost mental abilities, concentration, IQ, cognitive fitness and alertness, as well as to improve memory and mood. In addition, they are linked to increased longetivity and protection against aging and dementia.

Providing healthy food for the brain is essential for two reasons: First, because it’s the most important organ of our body. It is not only the command center for all our body functions and movements, it’s also the origin of our emotions and thinking capabilities, not to mention that it’s important for our overall health. And second, it happens to be the greediest organ of our body. Eating brain foods should be no-brainer. After all … we think and perform what we eat!

Brain Foods For Your Brain

While eating healthy is important for the brain, there are certain foods that are especially beneficial.

1. Eggs Protein in general is good because it helps to build tissue, nerves and organs. Proteins are part of what makes up neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are what send signals in your brain and help you to function. Eggs are especially beneficial, not only because they are rich in vitamins and minerals, but also because of several important nutrients: choline, which researchers have found to boost memory, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent the number one age-related eye conditions: cataract and macular degeneration. Proteins can also be found in meats, poultry, fish, dairy products and nuts.

2. Quinoa Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a newly discovered grain from the Incas in South America. It is considered the mother of grains because of it’s exceptional high amount of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Especially iron and folate are to mention which increase the blood flow to and circulation of the brain and so improve cognitive functions and memory. Other beneficial grains are rolled oats, brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta.

3. Salmon Fat in general works as a transmitter. It can help to regulate circulation, memory, mood and the immune system. Specific fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, are the best for brain function. Salmon is rich in these omega-3 fatty acids. They can also be found in cold-water fish, tuna, flaxseeds, walnuts, cooked soybeans, and raw Tofu.

4. Avocados Vegetables, especially the ones in the rainbow colors, play a cardinal role in supplying the brain with multiple vitamins and minerals. Like whole grains, vegetables contain complex carbohydra-tes which ensure a more constant energy level. They have antioxidant powers that help prevent brain oxidation and inflammation. Avocados are especially valuable because of their high amount of mono-unsaturated fats which contribute to a healthy blood circulation to and oxygenation of the brain.

5. Blueberries What is true for vegetables is also true for fruits. Blueberries are especially high in antioxidants. They have been found to improve cognitive processing, to protect the brain from oxidative stress and cell damage and to prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson diseases. Next best fruit choices are all other berries, pomegranates, grapefruits, oranges, grapes, bananas, plums, and apples.

6. Almonds Nuts and seeds, also known as ‘brain food’ due to their rich amount of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and special nutrients, are in general great mood enhancers and increase clear thinking. The top choice are almonds. Almonds contain phenylalanine, an essential brain stimulant for mood boosting neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. In addition, they are also rich in riboflavin which has shown to boost memory. Another great nut are walnuts which also regulate the serotonin level, a crucial brain chemical that controls our moods and appetite

7. Sunflower Seeds Seeds, just like nuts, enhance the mental powers and increase the mood. Sunflower seeds are rich in tryptophan, an important amino to boost the mood, as well as thiamine from the vitamin B complex. It has been found to enhance memory and boost cognitive functions.

8. Cinnamon Cinnamon, either as spice or scent, has been found to stimulate the brain function

9. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate is not only rich in natural stimulants that increase the production of endorphins that sharpen the focus, improve concentration and mood. It is also rich in antioxidants. Recommendation is to consume not more than four small squares per day.

10. Green Tea Greet Tea contains Polyphenols, cardinal antioxidants, that help maintain positive mood states and a steady supply of glucose. They also contain catechines, which are linked to enhanced focus and memory.

As you can see what you eat really does matter. Putting good foods into your body will go a long ways towards helping your brain function correctly and efficiently. When you plan your next meal consider these brain foods and make sure you include them in your menu every single day.

Author Bio: Rita Selle-Grider is the founder and CEO of the Young Bright Minds & Inventors Academy. Her website offers many helpful tutorials and services. Check it out @ and join the FB fan page for updates @

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: super foods, healthy foods, healthy food, brain foods, brain food, healthy foods for the brain

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