Do Successful Inventors Have Certain Personality Traits?

Have you ever wondered what makes an inventor so different from everyone else? Is it puzzling to you how they come up with ideas and new inventions and innovations? The question that arises is: Do success- ful inventors have certain personality traits? The answer is yes they do. Most inventors possess certain personality traits that your average person does not.

Curiosity is one trait of a good inventor. Inventors are curious people. They ask questions and always search for answers even if an answer seems impossible. They will try and try again to figure out things they do not understand. They never give up because they want to know the answer. Curiosity leads to knowledge and knowledge builds and eventually becomes an idea. A mindset for discovery is another important personality trait of inventors. Serendipity, that’s accidental discovery, is some that inventors can use because it is all about discovery.

Another trait is open-mindedness for what’s out there and the (potential) problems that need a solution. Sensibility in all directions is key. And then it’s also the ability to think into the future! To dream big!

Open Eyes And Lots Of Questions

Inventors know that while they may be looking for one thing, other possibilities are out there as well. They keep their eyes and minds open. Unexplained things may lead you to interesting findings and inventors know this. They are not afraid to seek answers, make discoveries or take whatever they find and turn it into an idea. Every inventor needs to be playful. As children almost nothing we ever did was planned. If we felt like doing something then we did it.

Inventors are a lot like children in this way because they do not usually conform to boundaries or schedules. They are willing to do whatever when the mood hits. A lot of their time, like children, is spent playing. Playfulness allows inventors to discover a world beyond adult boundaries. Inventors also need conviction. Inventors are not afraid of what others think. They do not let logic and reason hold them back. In fact, being told something is impossible is more of a challenge than a warning to an inventor.

Vision And Passion – A Must For The Long Run

We usually accept common answers and never try to think outside of the box. Inventors do the latter, though, and that leads to great discoveries. Having conviction allows an inventor to hold firm to their beliefs and work towards their goals. It also helps if inventors have a vision. Having a vision means knowing what is possible and knowing you can make it happen. Inventors all believe in their own vision. It varies from inventor to inventor, but every one can tell you their vision.

They have a plan and while it may be deviated from, it is part of their vision to reach their goal. Their vision guides them and gives them passion to keep moving forward and to make that incredible invention. Every inventor also must have determination. An inventor will get nowhere if they are not determined. Every inventor has determination and drive to reach their goals. They ignore naysayers and they do not let others hold them back. Through shear determination inventors keep moving and produce some of the amazing things we use today.

This combination of traits is the basis of a great inventor. You may recognize some traits as something you possess. The difference between you and an inventor, though, is that the inventor uses their traits to generate new ideas beyond the scope of what is already known. They stretch boundaries and they are willing to experiment and try new things. Inventors share many more traits with children than adults because the nature of children is more open and free than adults. It is the perfect environment for innovative thinking which leads to invention.

Traits as the once mentioned can be nurtured and even acquired. Knowing which trait you want to strengthen or build up is important to keep focused and not get lost. It’s a learning process and will take determination, but it will be worth while!

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Category: Education
Keywords: inventors, inventor, inventor traits, personality traits, personality traits from inventors

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