5 Mistakes That Will Drain Your Bank Account

5. Substituting Credit for Cash

The big drain under this heading is cash advances. People think that because they have access to credit, they have cash which couldn’t be further from the truth because the cash you get from using credit will have to be paid back and the payback is very expensive. In this economic climate the best advice is try to live week by week on cash. If your budget allows, take out a realistic weekly allowance, and try living on that allowance without going to the cash point to top up before the next allowance. By not substituting credit for cash you will be able to save, and afford the things you want for you and your family.

4. Improper Use of Debt Consolidation Loans

In theory the debt consolidation loan is designed to reduce your monthly outgoings. The benefit of a debt consolidation loan is if you are paying a high rate of interest let’s say for your credit cards and other loans, a debt consolidation loan will pool all your debts into one payment which will then be tied to some form of collateral usually your home As a result you get a better rate of interest and your monthly loan repayments are reduced.. The problem arises however, when you have access to that credit all over again. So if you have a spending problem, you need to fix the problem before you get a debt consolidation loan. If you don’t, you could make the situation worse for yourself in the long run. It is best to get professional advice to see whether a debt consolidation loan is the right solution for you.

3. Living Beyond Your Means.

This is essentially borrowing money to buy things you can’t afford. The two basic examples of this are buying a bigger house or a better car. So if you are thinking of buying a house, or if you already have a house and you’re struggling to pay for it, go to Google and type in the home affordability calculator and follow the steps outlined there. Then get some professional advice based on the results and see what solutions are available to you.

2. Buying On Emotion

The top 10 emotions people have when they buy are:

1. Fear
2. Curiosity
3. Vanity
4. Benevolence
5. Insecurity
6. Greed
7. Lust
8. Pride
9. Envy
10. Laziness

If you let your emotions dictate what you buy all the time, you will get into trouble. Before making a purchase ask yourself “why am I buying this” It is also good to wait before you buy and see if the emotion passes.

1. Not Having Life Insurance or Enough of It.

Life insurance is the pooling of resources to protect someone from catastrophic circumstances such as death or illness. Why is Life Insurance so important? In the event of a life altering situation such as death, Life Insurance alleviates the financial pressure from the family members who are left behind. When a person dies the debts do not die with them. Credit cards and other loans will still have to be paid. A big problem as well comes with not having enough or any income replacement cover especially when there are dependants. So in a worst case scenario a person could go from having a regular income to zero. Life Insurance protects you from that situation. Get some professional advice to avoid being in that position.

Author Bio: To find more information on how you can get out of debt go to http://www.debtsolutionsystemgpc.com

Category: Finances
Keywords: debt free,debt problems,debt consolidation loans,help with debt,debt solutions,credit card debt,get

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