Professions For People Who Like People

Some people want a job that keeps them away from the public and others love the idea of working with people. Depending on what your personality is like and how much patience you have, you will be happiest in a job that suits your particular disposition. Trying to be social when you are more of an introvert will leave you feeling drained and miserable. And if you are an extrovert and you find yourself in a job where you never see anything besides your cubicle walls, you will grow frustrated and unhappy. If you are the type who loves problem solving and working with people, there are several jobs that are great for you. You may need more skills and education than just your positive attitude toward people, but if you combine education and your disposition, you will have the combination for career success. Medical professions are an example of a social job that requires a great deal of education. If you work as a nurse, a doctor or as a dentist, you need a great bedside manner. Studying dentistry is half of the equation when it comes to being a great caregiver.

Working as a librarian is a job for those who are too squeamish to work in medicine and who prefer their interactions with the public to be intellectual and reserved. Librarians deal with people all the time, but it is usually in non-emergency situations and can often be relaxing and calming. If you are a person with a pleasant disposition who enjoys a slow-paced job, and you love to read, studying library science might be right for you.

Those who love working with the public in a teaching capacity can find a job working as a teacher. There are several ways to teach. You can work with kids in a traditional classroom in a public or private school. You can find work as a tutor within the school system or work with children who have special needs or who are enrolled in test preparation. You can work at a community college as a teacher if you are a professional in a specific field. Many community college teachers did not go to school to be teachers. They have professional experience and they come into the classroom after hours and share their experience with students. Another option is to work in a childcare center. Childcare teachers work year-round, deal with issues teachers never have to face and are paid far less than many classroom teachers, but you get the joy of spending time with children.

Working in retail is a great way to be out in the public and work with people. It is a challenging career in that people do not always treat you that well, but many folks find this a fun challenge. If you love to shop, retail might be the right career for you.

Finally, working in customer service is the best possible job for someone who just loves working with people. Again, you may not be treated that well, but if you find diffusing situations and turning frustration into pleasure a fun experience, this may be the right field for you.

Author Bio: Stewart Wrighter visited a Houston dentist on his last trip to the south to study what new techniques are being used. He scheduled an appointment with a Houston dentistry practice.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: Houston Dentist,Houston Dentistry

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