Google SEO Company Explains Why Businesses Should Be Involved in Social Media

BOULDER, COLORADO – When it comes to Internet marketing, one thing is certain- nothing stays the same.

Internet marketing continues to develop and evolve and currently it seems to have settled- at least temporarily- into three main areas: social media marketing, search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

This article discusses social media marketing, and the other two areas will be covered in two future articles. Social media is the term used to describe a variety of Web- and mobile-based tools designed for discussing and sharing information among users. It is becoming an increasingly powerful tool businesses can use to form relationships with new clients, and continue building rapport with current ones.

Social media actually isn\’t about media, wrote Brian Anthony Hernandez, a Business News Daily staff writer recently. It revolves around relationships \”and like a relationship, it takes heart, authenticity and work.\”

There is a variety of social media outlets, but as of this article’s writing, two have risen above the masses: Twitter and Facebook.

In a nutshell, business owners need to have a Facebook account and a fan page for their business, said Master Google CEO Ali Husayni, a Google SEO expert. Having a Twitter account that posts automatically to a Facebook page is helpful, too.

\”You want your friends to \’like\’ the page, and you need to regularly post useful information, videos and photos to it,\” said Husayni, who offers SEO consulting services.

Social media achieves several goals that many businesses actively work to achieve. Jonathan Richman identified seven of them on Dose of Digital in his “The Seven Uses of Social Media in Business- The 7 Cs\” post. They are:

8. Communicating
9. Cause support/sponsorship
10. Contests
11. Consumer research
12. Connecting others
13. Customer service
14. Community building

\”These are things businesses work on every day, and social media makes doing these things faster and more simple,\” Husayni says. \”There are plenty social media sites that also have very detailed analytics available to assist businesses in determining ROI.\”

It is true that businesses still get customers as a result of word of mouth and traditional advertising, but in comparison to what Google and social media have become, those methods are becoming less valuable, and traditional advertising has been less cost-effective for some time now.

Google has become more important as companies learn they must improve their organic SEO search results. Now more Internet marketing experts are looking into the kind of role social media will play in the SEO services they offer going forward.

\”Social media definitely is becoming more usefulness to businesses,\” Husayni said. \”The rise of social media has prompted us to look into it in greater depth and consider if- and if so, how- we can help our clients use it to improve their site’s ranking in organic search results.\”

Husayni said that while this isn\’t uncharted territory, it\’s still new territory for Internet marketing experts and as social media grows and changes, it will be interesting to see how businesses are able to best use it to their benefit.

About Master Google
Master Google is a search engine optimization firm based in Boulder, Colorado that utilizes knowledge of the Internet market and ongoing research to develop and implement SEO strategies for its clients. It is an affiliate of Sinai Marketing, founded by Ali Husayni in 2004. Husayni serves as the firm’s chief executive officer and SEO expert.

© 2011 Master Google. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

Author Bio: To learn more about Google SEO company Master Google and our SEO services such as top of Google service, call toll-free: 877-932-6559; internationally +1-303-932-6559.

Category: Internet
Keywords: Google SEO, SEO services, SEO consulting, SEO company, organic SEO, top of Google, free SEO

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