Breaking the Friend Barrier

Breaking the Friend Barrier

Sometimes despite our best efforts to get to know a girl and take it past the friendship level, we still get classified as a good friend. Most guys don’t know how to get out of this situation that even the best of us can fall into.

You know she likes you or else you wouldn’t be friends, right? So you’ve got that going for you. But she likes you as a friend. As much as you might fantasize and dream otherwise, there is about a one percent chance that she really likes you more than she lets on. There is always that chance, but the odds are against it. If you feel like she just likes you as a friend, then she just likes you as a friend.

The problem is that there is something crucial missing in your relationship that keeps it from being a romantic one and keeps you in the friend zone. That is called chemistry. It’s that special spark that takes it past the friendship barrier.

So how do you break the friend barrier? You have to let her know in a non-threatening way that you are a man. That you are not just a pal, but you are a red-blooded male. Here are some ideas on how to do that and make her see you for what you are – a potential mate.

1. Spark her jealousy. You have to be very careful that you do it in a non-obvious way and that entails having a very nonchalant attitude about interactions with other women. Don’t ever bring it up yourself, but let her get a little glimpse into your life so you realize that you have women who are more than friends in your world. For instance, you might check your messages while she is around and make a comment about the caller – you could laugh or you could act frustrated or whatever will grab her attention. When she acts interested, be mysterious and say, “Oh, just some girl I’m seeing.” Something like that. Not knowing is going to bother her and she is going to get jealous. Trust me on this.

2. Incorporate a very light, gentle, nonthreatening touch. If there are any sparks to be had, this will send them skyrocketing. For instance, you might want to gently guide her as you walk through a doorway by placing your hand on the lower back waist area. If you do so in a noncreepy but intimate way, it is extremely sexy.

3. Invite her over to your place and make a romantic setting with candles and good food (get good take out if you can’t cook). Play some music and snuggle up. Then when it is time to move in for a kiss, act conflicted and then gently push her out the door. Playing hard to get sometimes works wonders.

If these don’t work, start at number one again and work your way to number three. But this time move in for a kiss. If she doesn’t respond, it is time to move on.

Author Bio: Bill has been a pua for the last 5 years in NYC and can teach you the skills you need to be one, as well, including how to text a girl . The original article can be found here: Break the Friend Barrier.

Category: Dating
Keywords: flirting tips, relationships, how to talk to a girl, text a girl

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