High School Running Back

He’s really the engine of the high school football team. Yea, the quarterback get’s the fame and notoriety. The Receiver get the high light reels. Even the the defense gets talked up about being the key to wins but the prep running back drives the train. Those 3-5 yard grudge matches. The slow, methodic grind of the chains up the field with occasional flashes of break outs. The high school running back just puts in work. You have to give props to that position and what it means at the prep football level.

The running back is typically divided into two spots. You have the Full Back and the Half Back (also called Tail Back) in most traditional sets. Usually, the full back position is more of a blocking position. He’s basically creating holes, meeting defensive players, and clearing out space for the half back who follows behind him. The Full Back is generally the bull of your offense. He’s hitting defensive lineman and linebackers on a regular basis. It’s an ugly job but someone’s got to do it. He’s also a key defender of the quarterback on passing plays. Again, dirty work. Lots of helmets bangin’.

The prep sport half back gets to have a little more bling in his job. Yea, he has to block for the quarterback and there’s going to be plenty of marks on the helmet but he also gets the most running touches. He’s the one who occasionally breaks out for a 30 or 40 yard run and gets the fans out of their seats. He’s also going to release up field or into the flats for occasional passes just to keep things interesting. You feel sorry for the poor corner that has to bring him down in the open field.

Generally, your half back is the fastest player on the team. They’re usually not tall but they’re built like brick houses. It’s not usual to find a 5’6″ running back at the high school football level. But man are they fast. They can cut and accelerate like no one else on the field. It also helps if they’re a little strong. Look, quickness and speed will get you only so far. You have to take a lot of hits during the course of a prep football game at that position. The line’s coming after you. The line backers are trying to pound you. Then you have the strong safety and defensive backs. You have a target on your head and they all want a shot. You need to take some hits and bounce back. You also have to be shifty. You have to be able to break a tackle or two..or two hundred. So how does the high school football position work within Fantasy League?

The main stats category for Fantasy League in respect to running backs would be rushing yards in most offensive sets. The bulk of the rushing belongs with the running back unless you have a really gifted (on his feet) Quarterback. A running back may also get receiving yards but generally, not as much. Usually, choosing a top running back in a prep sport league is important since you can really rack up points with the right player. Other than the rare circus play, you don’t have much passing with a running back. Running backs are all about putting the head down and running hard.

Author Bio: Dennis Jarvis writes about the world of Prep Sports including high school sports such as high school football, basketball, and baseball.

Category: Sports
Keywords: high school running back,prep football,high school football,prep running back

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