Parents Spotting Your Kids Drug Or Alcohol Recreational Use

It’s a struggle for parents in 2011. Not only are both parents involved in long hours at the workforce , or in the case of a single parent having a full time job , parents have to be ever vigilant that not only do their kids have good friends but also they are not involved with drug or alcohol use. How can parents detect such behavior short of demanding that their kids take urine tests?

According to a report by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the average age when children start to experiment with drugs is age fourteen and they usually use marijuana, making marijuana the most frequently-used drug for first-timers. For alcoholic drinks, the average age when children usually have their first drink is when they are 12 years old.

Adolescents view this stage of their lives as the chance to experiment. During this time, they are just naturally curious and just want to explore anything and everything. Aside from this, teenagers also tend to believe that they are relatively invulnerable and indestructible. They do all sorts of crazy things thinking it won’t hurt them, or if they do get hurt, they’ll just bounce right back.

They experiment with drugs and alcohol for various reasons. It may be due to peer pressure and the desire to fit in with their friends. If everyone else in their group does it, they may feel out-of-place if they don’t do it too. If their friends are doing it, and they say it feels good, then the adolescent could be persuaded quite easily to do drugs or drink too. It may be just to find some thrill; something new and exciting. As teenagers, they’re always trying new things; new ways to get a rush. It could also be as self-medication to ease some emotional or physical problem the adolescent is going through. Maybe getting drunk or getting high is a way for them to forget their problems, even just temporarily. Sometimes, they feel so alone and burdened with their problems that they turn to drugs or alcohol, or both, as a temporary way to escape. To just feel like they don’t have a care in the world even for just a short time. As a parent, would you be able to identify the signs if your child is using drugs or alcohols.

Whatever the reason your adolescent may have, it is critical for you as a parent to recognize the signs of drug and alcohol use. There are key physical indications and behaviors associated with drug and alcohol use. You should watch out for these warning signs:

– You child repeatedly complains about his/her bad health

– The child regularly exhibits severe fatigue or excessive hyperactivity

– Your child’s eyes are frequently glazed-over or red

– The child has a long-lasting cough that doesn’t go away

– Your child shows diminished interest and participation in your activities

– The child is having sudden weight loss

– Your child shows inadequate personal hygiene and cleanliness

– The child is exhibiting isolation and seclusion, distancing him/her self from others

– Your child shows abrupt and noticeable behavioral changes

– The child starts to have poor academic performance

– Your child is having periods of depression

– The child starts having low self-worth

– Your child shows increased irritability or aggression towards others

– The child intentional argues with other member of the family

No doubt about it not only does potential or actual drug use detection prove to be a challenge to most parents but its only slight slips of the tongue or errant behavior that gives kid’s problems away to vigilant and perceptive parents and caregivers.

Author Bio: Frances T. Russel Morgellons Research Foundation Com Winnipeg Naturopathic Health Symptoms of Morgellon\’s Disease

Category: Parenting
Keywords: kids drugs,kids health,drugs rehab,how tell kids drugs,drugs in kids,kids alchohol use

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