Detox Diets: Do They Really Work?

Advocates of detoxification diets believe that these diets, done occasionally, can and will help to clean toxins and poisons that have set up shop within our bodies. These same advocates believe that weight loss is also a benefit of detox diets, along with heightened brain functions, higher energy levels, prevention, and even cure of certain chronic illnesses.

Although some believe that chronic illnesses may improve, as well as other bodily functions, due to the effects of these diets, yet others believe that the addition or subtraction of certain foods and drinks are the actual culprits responsible for these improvements such as:

– less alcohol
– less caffeine
– more water
– more whole, natural, healthy foods
– less processed and refined foods

Actually, a proper and well planned healthy diet can be more beneficial than a detox diet. Actually, if you take the best of the many detox diets (fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and more water, less fatty/processed/refined foods) and apply those with regular exercise, is the best way to not only eliminate certain toxins, but also improve and help to maintain our health.

Detox Delimas

One of the biggest issues with most detox diets is that they are so restricting in what you can and cannot eat that it is quite difficult for most individuals to stick with the diet for more than a couple of days. Another important issue to note is that although weight loss may occur, the loss is usually from muscle and fluid loss, which quickly returns once you begin your normal diet again.

It’s also important to keep in mind that just as all chemicals are not harmful to us, all things that are ‘derived’ from the natural are not good for us.

Natural Detoxification

Did you know that your body has its own way of detoxing? That’s right. Your liver and kidneys process and eliminate toxins from our bodies through our urine, feces, and even our sweat. Your liver’s chemicals work with other chemicals within our bodies to make water-soluble compounds that are then excreted by your kidneys in the form of urine.

Do’s and Don’ts of Detoxing

Talking to your doctor about a natural detox diet is always a good idea. He or she will also advise you not to detox for too long, as this can have harmful effects. The use of any supplements that promote a laxative effect are cautioned as well. These types of supplements, if used for extensive periods, can cause problems such as mineral imbalances, dehydration, and digestive issues.

Other bits of information to keep in mind before beginning a detox diet:

– Too much fasting can cause your metabolism to slow down, which will make it harder to lose and keep weight off

– Be sure to get enough protein and other important nutrients during a fast by consuming foods such as lean meat, milk, eggs, beans and yogurt

– Fasting can become an addictive behavior. Some have reported a feeling of euphoria. This can lead to other health issues, as well as eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

Finally, there are those who should not attempt any type of detoxification diet without the precise permission and instructions from your physician: those who suffer from low blood sugar, diabetes, a heart or chronic condition, or any type of eating disorder.

These types of diets should also be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding women, seniors, teens and children.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage and massage stone therapy including hot and cold applications.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: detoxification,detox diets,fasting,natural detoxification

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