Health And Balance: Ayurveda

Ayurveda medicine, or Ayurveda, is a system of living healthy that has been used by individuals living in India for over 5,000 years. It stresses good health as well as the treatment and prevention of sickness via lifestyle applications such as yoga, massage, dietary adjustments, and meditation along with the benefits of herbal therapies.

Ayurveda is holistic. It views the mind and body as one. It not only helps improve an individual’s physical ailments, but it aides in changing lifestyle habits that will help to improve as well as prolong health.

In line with Ayurveda medicine, space, air, earth, water and fire (the five elements) join within the body as three separate yet important components or ‘doshas’ known as Pitta, Kapha, and Vatta. These three doshas correlate closely with particular functions of the body and the five elements of nature surrounding us as follows:

-Pitta represents fire and water. According to Ayurveda medicine, digestion, intelligence, skin color, and even metabolism are control by Pitta, as well as emotions such as jealousy, hate, and anger.

-Kapha represents water and earth and is believed to govern the immune system and the actual physical structure of an individual, as well as forgiveness, love, calmness, and greed.

-Vatta represents air and space. According to Ayurveda medicine, joint and muscle movement, your heartbeat and your breathing are all controlled by this dosha. Emotions that fall under Vatta include fear, anxiety, and pain. Other such functions of the nervous system are said to be controlled by Vatta as well.

At conception, an individual’s doshas are present and is believed to correlate with their personality as well as their physical structure. For example, an individual with more Vatta is believed to be more of a thin build and smaller frame. The Kapha is a bigger, more developed individual. And the Pitta is somewhat in the middle, being more of a muscular build than the others are. Although most people have a combination of these three doshas, usually one is more predominant than the others.

Ayurvedic believes that any imbalance in any of the doshas, illness develops. Treatment, according to Ayurvedic medicine, involves many methods including exercise, dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as the use of herbs. According to the philosophy behind Ayurvedic medicine, the use of counseling, meditation, and even yoga are also recommended treatments for illnesses and disease.

Using Ayurvedic Medicine

Individuals use Ayurvedic medicine for reducing stress, improving strength and flexibility, increasing stamina, and a means of maintaining their health. It also emphasis a healthy diet. The proper diet can aid in the treatment of diseases, as well as help to maintain good health. Herbal remedies are also used, and are suggested based upon each individuals own dosha type.

Research has begun in the effects of Ayurvedic medicine and the treatment of chronic and long-term illnesses such as diabetes and cancer.

Remember to always consult with your physician before beginning any new diet or exercise plan, including alternative medicines and therapies, especially if you are already taking medicines for current ailments and diseases.

Author Bio: I write for TIR Massage Stone about hot stone massage and massage stone therapy including hot and cold applications.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: ayurveda,ayuverdic medicine,calmness

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