How to Catalog Movie Collection Nightmares

If you have catalog movie collection nightmares that keep you up at night, don’t feel like you’re the only one. Many people are more than happy to buy movies, but then they don\’t know what to do once they have more movies than they can handle. No matter what your catalog movie collection nightmare looks like, there are ways to make sure you’re able to track your collection as it grows. Here are the three most common catalog movie collection nightmares and how to fix them.

Too Many Movies

You might be the type of person who collects movies like baseball cards – and you can never have enough. By this is one of the most direct routes to catalog movie collection nightmares. Instead, you need to start paring down your movies. While this might not be the best advice for those who have to own a lot of movies, looking through your movies to see what you actually watch and what you do not is always a good idea. For example, you might have movies that you watched over and over, and that you might never watch again. Why are you holding onto them? Also, if you have the digital copies of some movies in addition to the DVD copies, do you really need both? Start taking out the movies that you don\’t need and you’ll find it’s much easier to organize.

No System

Another source of many catalog movie collection nightmares is a lack of a system. Whether you choose to create a spreadsheet or you use a movie collection software system, you need something in place to help you manage your collection. Find a few different systems and try them all out on ten movies. See which one fits your lifestyle and your organization ideas. You might find that some work better than others – and that one is the right fit for you. Once you find the one that makes sense, it’s time to use it in your collection.

Lack of Maintenance

Once you have the catalog movie collection system in place, then you need to make sure you maintain it. That’s the tricky part for most. Having the system is fun, but keeping it up is not nearly as exciting. Instead, you need to look at this system as the way that you will begin to create a lifetime of movie organization. This system will help you continue to collect movies that then get watched and used the way you want to use them. Find a way to continue to update your collection software so that you’re never behind again.

No matter how many catalog movie collection nightmares you might have, there are ways to wake up and find things more organized. Yes, this will take work and you might need to spend some hours organizing your movies, but when you’re a movie nut, it’s all worth it. After all, what’s the fun of movies if you don’t know what you have or where they are?

Author Bio: Max Smirnov, I know how to catalog movie collection with ease

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: catalog, movie, collection

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