Hair Grafting: Your Guide Before Surgery

Hair grafting is probably the only solution that can be considered long- lasting in addressing hair loss. It is a must then to be careful and be very prepared once you do decide to have one done on yourself. The following should be carefully checked to know if you are indeed ready for the surgery.

1. Know the details of the kind of graft that you will have.

During the initial consultation and the subsequent consultations prior to the date of surgery, you must be able to discuss with your surgeon the different styles and methods of hair grafting, its pros and cons, and which one will suit you best. Follicular Unit Transplantation or FUT technique, for example, can be very effective and can deliver excellent results especially when the hair grafts are carefully placed to follow the natural distribution, density, and direction of hair growths. It pays well to ask your doctor about the technicalities of your procedure so that you will know what to expect after.

2. Be healthy during surgery.

One mistake that people do once they are bound to have surgery is not sticking to a healthy lifestyle prior to the big day. Smoking, alcohol, poor diet, and lack of exercise are common factors that can make any surgery a failure. It is unwise to keep on loading yourself with toxins coming from cigarettes, alcohol, and processed foods as they mess up with the medications that you need to have during and after the hair transplant surgery. They also prevent you from having speedy recovery thus making you more prone to having complications like infection.

3. Safety Issues after surgery.

Hair grafting can be done either with general anaesthesia or just a local anaesthesia but with mild sedation. Immediately after the surgery, it is expected that you will feel a bit dizzy or even stay asleep for some time due to the anaesthesia being used. With this in mind, you must look for someone else to take or drive you home after the procedure or have the option to stay as an admitted patient until such time that you are ready to go home on your own.

4. Be psychologically and emotionally prepared.

It is normal to get scared or be apprehensive with the procedure. This is why knowing the right information is essential to keep your worries, and the stress that goes with it, away.

5. Financial capability.

Hair grafting does not come cheap. You must be prepared for the fees that are expected to be incurred for the surgery. You have to pay for the surgeon, the anesthesia, the use of a surgical facility, and the medications that you will have to take after. This could be a big burden to some especially for those who are in a tight budget. However, there are financing schemes that hair grafting clinics offer to their patients. These payment options are of great help to make it possible for patients to avail of the advanced technique of hair restoration which is hair grafting.

Once you covered everything above, you are now prepared to face surgery and be amazed with its results.

Author Bio: To ensure the safety of hair surgery and to get the best possible result, make sure that you contact only board certified doctors who specialize in this type of procedure. Check out Dr. Andrew Kin of the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration, he will guide you from beginning to end. Ask for your free consultation today.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: hair transplant,hair grafting,hair loss,baldness,hair loss treatment

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