How to Recognize a Heart Attack and the Steps to Prevent One

If there are two words that no one wants to hear, they are heart, and attack. Unfortunately, at least one million Americans hear those words every year because that is how many of us experience it. A heart attack, also called a myocardial infection, happens when the tissue of the heart is damaged, usually due to lack of oxygen. This is irreversible damage that can occur when we do not take care of ourselves. Smoking, poor diet, and other factors can cause a heart attack in people who take advantage of such things. They think that it will never happen to them and continue to smoke or eat the wrong foods until the damage is done and they are either dead or very sick.

Oxygen Rich Blood

In order to function properly, the heart needs a constant flow of oxygen that is in our blood. A heart attack can occur when the needed blood does not flow through the coronary arteries that lead to the heart. Calcium build up, fat, protein, or plaque can build up in these arteries until the blood cannot pass. This is called coronary artery disease and it can kill you quick. Here is what happens.

– Plaque builds up in the arteries when we eat fatty foods and let our cholesterol levels get out of control. Lack of exercise also contributes to this.

– The plaque hardens. The outer shell of this hardened plaque cracks. Our bodies produce platelets that help with clotting. These platelets rush to the cracked plaque and forms into clots, blocking the flow of blood in our arteries.

– When these pieces accumulate enough to stop the flow of blood, a heart attack occurs.

Rare But True

There is a rare occurrence that can also cause a heart attack called ischemia. This is a spasm in the arteries that opens and closes the artery and only supplies the heart with much needed blood intermittently, causing an attack. This is extremely rare but can occur whether we are being active or just lying at rest. It does not matter if there is any other problem, like heart disease.

Scar Tissue

When a heart attack occurs, it is usually in a centralized area of the heart muscle. This is because the heart is supplied by several arteries, each one supplying a separate section of the heart. When one becomes blocked and a heart attack occurs, it is that part of the heart that is damaged. If we survive and recover, the heart scars in the area of the attack. This tough scar tissue takes away from the hearts elasticity and keeps it from pumping like it a healthy heart.

If you experience any of these symptoms together, head to the hospital or call an ambulance.

Heavy feeling in the chest
Pain in the arm, under the breastbone, or chest
Uncomfortable ache that radiates, usually to the jaw, back, or one arm
A choking indigestion
Fluttering heart or rapid heart rate
Feeling of weakness
Inability to catch your breath

The Sneak Attack

Your heart can also fool you by having a silent heart attack. You will feel no warning symptoms at all until, of course, you collapse. You should have a complete medical check every year in order to catch possible plaque build up before you have a heart attack so that you can take the necessary steps to prevent it. Either that, or hang out with someone who has a CPR certification and owns a defibrillator.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Security Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: CPR certification ,medical check ,heart attack ,poor diet,Smoking,a myocardial infection,Heart Attac

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