Opt In Or Opt Out

Are you using the list building technique called “e-mail address harvesting”? This is a great way to acquire hundreds of thousands of e-mail addresses to send your marketing mails to many people. There are even free software for this job. You write the URL’s to be harvested and they collect every mail address in these URL’s. No! This is not an efficient marketing technique and it tarnishes our profession as online marketers. Did you know opt-out links like “if you don’t want to receive further e-mails concerning our products, click this link” are used by some genius e-mail marketers as a confirmation of e-mail address. An opt-out link should be an opt-out link. You can’t force people to read your mails. “If you don’t read and forward this e-mail, with this line intact, to 5 people who can be interested in our products, 5 of your most loved relatives will meet their makers.” Try this line instead. Everyone will read it if you put that line in the subject box. I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t you send your men to the houses of potential customers and sell your products on gun point. Yes, of course, why sell a product, just take their money, or else!

How many mails a day are filtered through your own spam filter? I don’t need larger boobs; I am a man for God’s sake. When people ask me what I do for a living I answer honestly and say that I’m an online marketer. Do you know what most people tell me after they learn my profession? “Oh, so you are the one that is sending me those enlargement ads.” No! This is not what an online marketer does. People please, this is a serious business. I build lists of people who WANT to receive e-mails about certain subjects and products. I send readable, informative mails to these people about their subjects of interest suggesting the places where they can get the products or services. A return rate of 50% in 10 mails is better than that of %1 in 100 mails. Do the math or keep spamming.

Nowadays people think twice, even thrice before they give out their e-mail address to the marketing specialists. I don’t ever give out my e-mail address anymore, why should I expect other people to do what I never do? For people to opt-in they must sincerely believe that they will receive really helpful mails about their subject of interest. You can fool people with very well prepared copy and high quality pictures. In the same length of time you spend preparing these fake opt-in sites, you can prepare real ones with real benefits to subscribers. When you are not using list building techniques to sell just words and pictures, you can even earn real money. People are not stupid. They can maybe be fooled once but they won’t swallow the same fake bait twice and you can be sure that they have expended their one token of being fooled long before you even thought to try.

Author Bio: Learn the inside secrets of List Building & the benefits of a List Building Blog today!

Category: Marketing
Keywords: List Building, List Building Blog

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