List Builders Inc.

Early in my online marketing career, I was building my list for a fat burning diet product. Of course not everybody knows what list building is. Our lists are like the client lists of real world marketers. They may consist of e-mail addresses of old client or the addresses of future ones. The most essential thing in a list is that the people in the list must be interested in the product or service you are offering. If you send your offers to everyone, it is called spamming; if you send it to the right people, it is marketing.

My client was an affiliate of the product but he was not just taking his commission. He was buying the product beforehand; and later selling from his stock, sending the products to his clients. We had a really great web site and an e-mail program where if people left their addresses we would send them a portable document file (pdf) explaining in detail how to use the product for best results. The people who left their addresses were our target group and our list was growing slowly.

One day the client came to me to say that he bought 10 times of his usual stock because the producer company offered a very low price. The products had an expiry date and we had to sell all the products in stocks very rapidly. Our list was not enough for the speed we needed. So I started to search the internet for partners.

The first person I found was selling exercise equipment and he was also using a list. And the other was the writer of books like “Secrets of Winter Diet” and “Help your Body Lose Weight.” We had a diet product which we were willing to sell with 20% discount and they had their own lists.

So we prepared a marketing campaign. This was an all in one campaign where we presented all the products with separate prices and then put them all together with a 40% discounted price. We even designed a new web page for the list builders incorporated we formed. Then we started send e-mails to our lists. The interest was incredible. People were racing to buy our products. Even though we didn’t do any search engine optimization work, the search engine rating of our web site was higher than all the web sites in our niche.

They still tell our story in the marketing circles. That was one of the most successful marketing campaigns in the online marketing history. In just one month we sold all the products in our stock and had a lot of backorders. It was like the proof of the saying union gives strength. You must never miss an opportunity to partner up with people in your niche. I still write to my old partners in that campaign and sometimes if the products fit each other, we swap our lists. List building is an essential part of internet marketing. However what is more essential is to be aware of an opportunity and to seize it in time.

Author Bio: Learn the secrets of List Building today!

Category: Marketing
Keywords: List Building

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