Effective Treatment For Oseteoarthtritis – Glucosamine

Glucosamine is one of the dietary supplements most commonly prescribed for elderly people who suffer from arthritis and joint pain. This is a compound made form glucose and glutamine, an amino acid. This compound, naturally found in the human body, helps in the production of glycosaminogen, which is used to regenerate tissues and maintain cartilage strength. As age advances, the level of glucosamine in the body decreases, leading to several problems that may result in inflammation of joints and/ or severe pain. To shore up these depleting reserves, many health practitioners advise that the elderly start taking glucosamine in the form of nutritional supplements to regular diet.

How is Glucosamine Made?

Glucosamine is present in animal bones, bone marrow and is also found in some fungi. But chitin, a substance found in many sea dwelling creatures such as shrimps, lobsters or crabs, is the richest source of glucosamine. Most glucosamine supplements in the market are made from this natural product. Glucosamine may be combined with other nutritional supplements such as chondroitin or ethylsulfonylmethane to increase its efficacy.

The most common forms in which glucosamine is marketed are glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride. However, some other forms, such as N-acetyl glucosamine or chitosamine, are also taken by elderly people for the same health benefits.

Helpful in Treating Osteoarthritis

This supplement is mainly used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. This ailment causes the bone cartilage to lose its elasticity thus leaving the joint more susceptible to damage. This is a common problem that occurs with older people, who may suffer pain, inflammation and reduced mobility as a result. Glucosamine supplements improve the glycosaminogen levels in arthritis ridden elders and helps their body repair and replenish damaged bone cartilage.

Research has found that glucosamine is especially effective in treating knee osteoarthritis and it actually slows down the progression of the ailment and restricts further deterioration from taking place.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

CVI is yet another ailment that many people experience as they advance in age. This ailment occurs due to the improper circulation of blood in the lower extremities. This may lead to problems such as swelling, varicose veins and numbness in the legs and feet. Glucosamine is also used to treat such conditions in older people.

Stomach Ailments

For those suffering from stomach ailments such as inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, Glucosamine is an effective treatment method. Doctors usually recommend the intake of N-Acetyl glucosamine to address these problems.

TMJ Disorders

TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorders may also be a problem that many arthritis afflicted elders face. This condition results in pain in the jaw, and discomfort while chewing, talking or yawning. Glucosamine is used to treat this condition in conjunction with other anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. Although extensive scientific research has not yet been undertaken to prove glucosamine’s effectiveness as a remedy to these ailments, many people have found relief from TMJ when they supplemented their diet with this product.

As an effective cure for osteoarthritis and resultant pain, the beneficial effects of glucosamine are widely accepted. This is one area where extensive use of this drug is made with geriatric patients to improve their quality of life by improving mobility and reducing pain.

Author Bio: Teisha Mahabir specializes in writing articles about health, diet, longevity and health specialists like Brenda Rusnak. Brenda Rusnak is a health care specialist who writes about health-aging and prevention. For more information about healthy-aging and Brenda Rusnak, check her out on Profile Canada.

Category: Education
Keywords: beneficial,effects,glucosamine,Osteoarthritis,stomach aid,brenda,rusnak,healthy,aging

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