What You Need to Know About Your Body and Diabetes

A chronic imbalance of the glucose levels in blood is a characteristic of diabetes, which presents with two types. Any age can fall victim to diabetes, however, in young people, insulin productions ceases altogether. Older people who get diabetes will still have a little insulin production but it is not nearly enough to maintain blood glucose at a healthy level. Two other types of diabetes are less known. Gestational diabetes affects pregnant women although it usually subsides or dissipates altogether after they give birth. The other lesser-known type presents as a result of hormonal irregularities, drug interactions, or a disease of the pancreas.

The Symptoms of Diabetes:

– Increased thirst
– Increased urine output
– Sudden loss of weight
– Vision impairment
– Fatigue and muscular weakness
– Infections of the skin
– Vascular disease or nerve damage complications

Healthy Glucose Metabolism
After we eat, our digestive system changes carbs to glucose, which enters the bloodstream. The pancreas reacts by producing and secreting insulin into the bloodstream where it calms glucose production in the liver, urges the liver to begin glucose uptake, and helps glucose in the bloodstream to enter cells. When this happens, the glucose levels become normal, and insulin production ceases as all is restored to a normal homeostasis. (Internal stability)

When we skip a meal, blood glucose levels drop way too far. In order to compensate with no carbs available, the pancreas will produce something called glucagons and slip them into the bloodstream. Glucagon is the liver\’s signal to change it into glucose and as the glucose levels rise, production ceases and the missed meal crisis is averted. Homeostasis is once again restored. Hence, when Glucose and insulin interact in the way they are supposed to, a normal blood sugar level is maintained that allows the body to maintain daily activities.

Diabetes Type II

This is where the pancreas has a problem in producing enough insulin or the body rejects the insulin produced. People who are overweight usually develop this type as their tissue is not able to interact or respond to insulin and the pancreas has to make more, unable to keep up with the demand for it. Without insulin, the glucose are unable to enter the cells preventing the body from becoming fully energized. The continuing demand on the pancreas leads to a steady decline of insulin production. This is why this type is detected later in the lives of those who have it.

Diabetes Type I

Type I diabetes is rarer that type II. It occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce any insulin at all. Type I is considered to be, an autoimmune disease because the body\’s antibodies attack the beta cells. Beta cells that normally secrete insulin cannot and become damaged, inviting the attack. Without the needed insulin, there is nothing to stop the liver from producing mass quantities of ketones, which results in a diabetic coma called acidosis.


Health care professionals, people who have received HIPAA Training, and emergency services personnel know the signs and also look for a diabetic medical bracelet, which has saved many lives.

Author Bio: For more information please visit our HIPAA Security Rule website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: pancreas,bloodstream,Healthy Glucose ,Vascular disease ,muscular weakness,diabetes

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