The Study Of Health Versus Disease

Human beings and disease are surely the strangest living things on the planet. We think, create and react to disease more readily, instead of health.

[Health will never to be attained by studying and thinking about disease. Medicine as a science of disease increases disease.]

The above bold declaration was made long before air travel became a commercial endeavor.

Where are the Otto Warburg\’s and Louis Pasteur\’s of our time? They are around, yet we disregard the simple solutions they provide, perhaps it is our conditioning that makes us gravitate towards the complex,and our own disbelief in real proven simple natural solutions of how disease\’s can be stopped and cured.

Some time ago for the first time I experienced inflammation of the bladder causing my system to freeze up into a spell of cold fever that even an electric blanket could not dispel.

Having a friend who had recently suffered a stroke leaving her paralyzed on one side. I was overwhelmed by fear rushing off to the doctor to discover the doctor\’s diagnosis of high blood pressure. A sure cause of strokes.

Of-course, a prescription for high blood pressure and water pills followed, leaving the root cause \”inflammation\” unattended. Two weeks later I was back at the doctor complaining of horrendous, never before experienced painful muscle spasm, my first fearful thoughts, \”stroke happening..\”

What I learn t on the second visit was, water pills reduce the potassium in the system, which was the cause of the muscle spasm\’s. Yes you guessed right, yet another pill was prescribed.

This time to build up the potassium my system was losing from taking the water pill, plus anti inflammatory tablets as the cold fevers were still occurring periodically.

What a healthy mess, then a stomach ulcer occurred, back to the doctor,with severe pain in the gut, yet more pills for the ulcer caused by the anti inflammatory prescribed for the original inflammation and a citrus flavored vile tasting white liquid to be taken three times a day.

Having no medical aid cover, the cost was huge, here I am allowing someone to make me sick instead of healthy and paying them to do so, not even to mention the cost of the medication prescribed.

The big question to the practitioner of what the actual causes of bladder infections are ? The reply was it could be a myriad of reasons. Not happy with this reply I went on to do my own investigation of what causes disease, and the remedies for them.

I came across disease\’s I had never heard of before, it made me realize my little ailments are nothing compared to what many others are suffering. The common big one\’s like cancer, HIV/aids, heart attacks are the one\’s we all know or have heard of.

The true pioneers in the study of health instead of disease are the one\’s inventing vaccines and remedies preventing disease.. The miracle cures we hear of, but sadly rush away from. The very nature of the body is to heal itself of disease.All we have to do is supply it with the natural ingredient.

Author Bio: I am retired now and healthy. Two things I believed in from an early age is; Faith is the substance of things hoped for,evidence of things not seen,and the providence which comes to handicap us,always comes to show us what to do.

Category: Education

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