How to Deliver Effective Presentations-KISS Your Audience

At some point in our lives we all have to do a presentation – whether it is in an elaborate dinner party or just in a casual get-together; your social skills and your presentation skills matter everywhere you go. When we are looking for new employment we will be judged based on the level of presentation skills we have by the prospective employer. In this modern 21st century we live in, social skills and presentation skills are considered the most important skills we ought to have in our personal tool kit.

And as your personality begins to be developed and enhanced, all these skills add up together as positive points and groom and mould you as a person. This will help you in displaying better communication skills, better personal presentation skills and also helps you develop a lot better your management skills. It brings you added confidence in every aspect of your life too.

A Keep It Simple Strategy, otherwise known as KISS, is the key to a good presentation. For example, if you are giving a presentation to your boss, keep it to the point. Inclusion of some technical vocabulary is important but you have to make sure that your audience is familiar with the words you are using.

The secret to success is…

The secret to success behind every presentation is to make sure that you manage to get your point across in a well-defined manner and that you make an impression on your targeted group of people.

Strive to create a professional image and practice what you have to say again and again. Practice makes a man perfect and I dare say a lady is no different! Learn your opening remarks well and your closing comments by heart; this is where your key messages should lie.

If it is a complex presentation or demonstration you are preparing, make sure that you organise every minute detail beforehand. Be very sure that every single thing works, that the lighting is perfect and that no last minute urgent adjustments have to be made.

Remember, practice makes perfect and repetition allows you to deliver your presentation seamlessly, professionally, and naturally. I am sure we have all seen presentations that have either been read out verbatim, or are just mono-tone and boring, haven’t we?

Make it appropriate

Stay on track. Focus on what you are required to do and target everything accordingly to your audience. For example, a stage well-suited for a wedding will not be an appropriate venue to introduce the Board of Directors at the General Shareholders meeting.

Do not forget to try to address the entire room too. A great piece of advice I was once given was to pick out say 6 people in the audience, and look and speak to them. This ensures that your head is moving from left to right, and gives the impression that you are talking to everyone. And finally, smile. If you look miserable or nervous, imagine the effect it will have on your audience.

Author Bio: Sarah Dye is the Sales and Marketing Manager at Small Planet Meetings, experts in providing Medical Conferences for Clinical Investigation. Click the links to find out how she can help you with your next event, or visit

Category: Business
Keywords: Medical Conferences, Health Care Conferences, Pharmaceutical Conferences

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