Beat Overtime With Proper Attitude

Maintaining a career is not as easy as you think, especially if you are going to be asked to render some overtime. That means more time at the workstation and less time for yourself and loved ones. In fact, some of these overtime schedules are unannounced, and they can cause havoc on your schedule.

However, that does not mean you cannot handle overtime properly. There is a better attitude to it. Some examples are the following:

Use subliminal messages. All it needs may be a little convincing at your end. Now you do not need anyone to help you with that. You can do it on your own. You can make use of subliminal messages.

Subliminal messages can come in different forms. One of these is positive statements or affirmations. Subliminal messages in this case may be the following:

I welcome this overtime schedule.
I view this as an opportunity to earn more.
I look forward to a much better time to be with my loved ones.
I look forward to a time when this is going to be over.

Subliminal messages have a way of changing the way your conscious mind thinks. If you believe that overtime is a burden, you can use the affirmations to consider it as a blessing.

Focus on the work. Make sure that the overtime does not go in vain. Put all your energies into what you are doing. This way, you can wake up the next day with fewer workloads. Moreover, when you go home, you do not have to bring more work with you.

Do not complain. When you start complaining, you allow negative thoughts to dwell inside you. Before you know it, you already feel so exhausted, and you can no longer focus on what you’re doing. You become more prone to committing a lot of errors, which can sometimes be too difficult to rectify.

If you feel you’re about to complain, immediately tell your mind to stop. Take a pause and deep breaths. Then remember the subliminal messages you have learned earlier. Besides, most overtimes are paid, and that’s extra cash for you.

Be frank if you cannot do it. If you definitely have an occasion or event you have to go to, do tell your boss about it. Many are actually considerate, particularly if the overtime happens to be completely unannounced. However, before you do that, try to evaluate. Can the affair go on without you? Can you move the event to another date or time? Can the people wait?

Keep yourself energized. Just hearing the word “overtime” can immediately drain you of whatever energy is left, but you can avoid that. You can take a short break and walk around or do simple exercises. By keeping your blood circulated, you don’t end up getting too sleepy or tired. You can also drink some coffee or tea to perk you up.

Overtimes are a part of work. Usually, the best way to go is to just embrace them and stop looking at them as a curse.

Author Bio: Nelson Berry is The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online. Click
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Category: Business
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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