The Biggest Mistake You Don\’t Want To Make When Trying To Improve Your Credit Score

No matter what credit program they buy (or even if they don\’t buy one at all) many people find themselves consistently coming up short in one single area of credit repair… and it happens to be one area that can have a considerable negative impact on their credit score. One thing, that\’s it. And it can be blamed for a good 80% (or more) of the FAILURE related to your credit repair efforts. It\’s the one common mistake people make no matter what method they choose, no matter what program they buy, no matter how smart (or stupid) they seem to be. We don\’t know why people so consistently make this same mistake, but they do.

1. Perhaps it\’s because nobody told them the credit bureaus and creditors don\’t give a \”RAT\’S A$$\” about their credit score?

2. Perhaps it\’s because they think most people are \”good people\”, and while \”creditors\” and \”credit bureaus\” are not really definable as people, somehow the \”good people\” rule still applies?

3. Or, maybe they\’re afraid. Maybe they perceive the credit bureau as a dangerous monster and they\’re just scared to cross the monster\’s path?

4. Or, maybe they think they don\’t deserve better credit. Maybe they think if they reach for the cookie and their hand gets slapped, it\’s a sign wanting cookies is a bad thing and nobody should ever reach for them.

So, what\’s this one \”Big Mistake\” so many people make? It\’s simple… so simple, you might think it\’s kind of dumb (maybe that\’s why it is so often overlooked). Here it is:

People QUIT way too early.

Yep. That\’s it. They lack persistence. They quit before the game is over. When they meet resistance, they think that\’s the end. They first try \”XYZ Method\” and when \”XYZ Method\” fails, they get angry and say \”this stuff doesn\’t work!\” Please understand something: The credit bureaus systems are DESIGNED to make you want to \”throw in the towel\” and QUIT. We mean it… they are ** D E S I G N E D ** that way. The point is, the ONLY \”silver bullet\” in credit repair is a consumer who refuses to give up. Other than that, there are really no \”magic\” tricks. Sure, you need knowledge, you need to learn all the insider methods you can, you need to have a good \”bag of tricks\” and someone to show you how to use them…but in the end, the one thing that will separate the successes from the failures is PERSISTENCE. All the insider methods in the world aren\’t going to help someone who quits at the first sign of resistance. What we\’re trying to say is…

Reach for the cookie. Don\’t give up. Hang in there. If one method doesn\’t work, try something else. If that doesn\’t work, try yet another. In the end, NOT doing this is the biggest mistake people make when trying to improve their credit score. That\’s really what it\’s all about.

Author Bio: Jay Peters is the founder of Credit Repair Publishing and has been publishing credit repair information since 1994. For their free eBook titled \”28 Credit Secrets the Banks,Collections Agencies and Government Don\’t Want You to Know!\” Visit their website at:

Category: Finances
Keywords: credit score,credit repair,credit mistakes,credit,quitting,credit failure

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