What to Expect From Hemorrhoid Surgery

Doctors usually don\’t perform hemorrhoid surgery unless other more conservative treatments have not worked to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. Hemorrhoid surgery is very effective and it does ensure that the hemorrhoids removed will not come back. If you are considering or have been advised to have this surgery, it helps to know what to expect.

The degree of post-operative pain experienced after hemorrhoid surgery varies from one individual to another and depends on the type of surgery done. When surgeons are able to use lasers to remove the hemorrhoids, post-operative pain is generally minimized. In fact, some patients are able to return to work the same day after laser surgery.

With rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids, there will be discomfort both during and after surgery. The procedure, however, is quick, and the remains of the hemorrhoid will fall off in about a week. If your surgeon elects to do surgery that requires incisions, post-operative pain is generally more pronounced. Some patients must remain in the hospital for a few days afterward, partly to get the pain under control.

After immediate recovery from the surgery, you will generally not be able to go right back to your normal daily activities. You may have to take antibiotics, and your diet will be prescribed for the first few days until your bowels start functioning properly once again.

Hemorrhoidectomy is the most invasive of the hemorrhoid treatment options. This surgery for removal of hemorrhoids requires that you be put under spinal or general anesthesia depending on where the surgery is performed and the surgeon\’s preference.

The surgeon makes incisions in the tissue surrounding the hemorrhoid. The swollen vein inside of it is tied off to prevent it from bleeding, and then it is removed. Depending on the technique used, the surgical area may be sutured, or it may be left open.

Often, surgery is done in an outpatient surgery center. If so, you will be able to go home the same day. But you will need time to recover at home. Recovery takes two to three weeks usually.

Before surgery, a doctor will administer a long-acting local anesthetic. These anesthetics last for six to 12 hours, and will help provide pain relief after surgery. If you are having outpatient surgery done, you will be released after the anesthesia wears off and after you have urinated. The reason you\’re required to urinate before being released is because the inability to urinate can occur due to swelling or spasm of the pelvic muscles, and the medical team will want to know if this has occurred in your case. Someone else will have to drive you home from surgery.

Your self-care after surgery may involve taking prescription pain medications, which you should take exactly as directed. If you are not prescribed pain medicine, your doctor should advise you on what over-the-counter medications are safe for you to take.

You will experience some bleeding after surgery, particularly after the first time you have a bowel movement. Your doctor may give you numbing medications to help with this problem. You may be instructed to apply ice packs to your anal area to reduce swelling and pain. Additionally, you may be instructed to take stool softening medications with fiber to prevent painful bowel movements in the days immediately after surgery. You will typically have a follow-up exam two or three weeks after surgery to asses your healing progress.

Author Bio: Jason Bacot – Are you thinking that you might possibly need Hemorrhoid Surgery some time? Are you looking for more information on the Hemorrhoid Symptoms you have? Then I suggest you check us out online at \”TheHemorrhoidGuide.com\” immediately.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Hemorrhoid Surgery, Hemorrhoid Symptoms, Bleeding hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid treatment

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