Conquer Your Emotional Eating Responses

Obesity is one of the most prevalent health problems in the world today. Thousands of people are now weighing more than the ideal body mass, making them more prone to several disorders, from cardiovascular diseases to even cancer.

A known culprit for obesity is overeating-that is, more taking a lot of calories the body cannot entirely use. However, not many people, you included, are aware that there could be a much deeper reason why you continuously putting on the pounds. You could already be emotionally eating.

What Does It Mean to Emotionally Eat?

It\’s normal for people to eat. It\’s how you nourish your body and keep yourself well and healthy. But there\’s also such a thing as comfort food, and this could be the main reason why you settle for emotional eating.

You are emotionally eating when your first reaction to sadness or happiness is to just eat. You use food to compensate for the emotion. For example, when you\’re depressed you eat until you can feel the satisfaction. This is dangerous since you\’re not really concerned about how much you\’re eating or even what you\’re taking inside your body.

How to Control It

The very first step in putting an end to emotional eating is to acknowledge it. You have to admit to yourself that you have the tendency to do that. Otherwise, no amount of tips or techniques will be able to help you out. How do you do this?

Observe yourself. Go back to the previous months or years. Do you notice you tend to look for food even when you\’re hungry? What\’s the reason for doing so? Remember the emotions. Are you sad, lonely, or anxious? If you answer yes to the latest question, then it means you\’re prone to it.

Then you have to determine what these emotions are. Emotional eaters tend to consume more when they are sad or depressed. For some reason, they feel uplifted every time they eat. If this is your case, then you have to dig deeper. What\’s the reason for the sadness?

Get over the past. You cannot allow the past to continuously make you feel depressed or make them reasons for you to settle for binge eating every time things don\’t go your way. If you\’re having trouble letting go of them, you might as well make use of subliminal messages.

Subliminal messages can be extremely helpful for emotional eaters. In fact, they have been utilized by hypnosis and visualization experts. Subliminal messages complement these two kinds of therapies.

The experts may provide your subconscious with subliminal messages such as \”I am taking charge of my past\” or \”I won\’t let depression get hold of me\” until they become new belief systems. Because you are going to deal with your emotions, you no longer have to find an \”escape\” or find comfort in food.

It also helps if you can discover other methods in dealing with negative emotions. Besides subliminal messages, you can consider meditation or involvement in various activities, such as sports.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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