How To Have A Healthy Height And Weight

Maintaining a healthy height and weight can prevent different kinds of illnesses and diseases such as coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, and gallstones. For instance, you should start losing weight if your current weight is not according to the range of your height. It would definitely be beneficial to you in terms of having a good health, good feeling and how you look. Check with your doctor the appropriate ratio of your weight to your height.

You should make a stand and commitment to fight against poor health and be more health conscious. Below are tips on how to be healthy.

1) Eat healthy foods. Include meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and other nutritious foods.

2) Munch healthier snacks like fresh fruits, yogurts instead of junk foods and chocolates.

3) Don\’t over eat. Don\’t take foods that your body cannot burn for the day.

4) Avoid smoking. It has chemicals and poisons that can cause cancer cells.

5) Get used to read food labels of what you eat and buy. Purchase only items that are less in sugar, salt and fat content.

6) Consider how you eat your foods like are you eating in front of the television? Practice eating slowly so that your body can digest properly. Let your body know how full you are.

7) Consider drinking water and healthy beverages like milk, and fruit juices. Moderate your coffee, tea and alcohol in take.

8) Enjoy walking everyday. If you are going one floor up, take the stairs instead of using the elevator. If you want to buy something from the nearby store, don\’t take a cab or don\’t bring your car, just walk.

9) Have an active life. Don\’t just depend on someone to do stuff for you. Do the chores yourself. Doing household chores is like exercising.

10) Sitting too long on your office chair? Take a break, and don\’t sit too long. Walk around the office, deviate from what you are doing, have a short chat with your colleague.

11) Stay away from the sun between 11 am and 3 pm. Protect yourself by going under the shade and by wearing a sun block lotion.

12) Get enough rest and sleep. Most people need to sleep at night at least seven to eight hours. Have a regular time of sleeping and waking up. Research shows that people taking a cat nap during the day will have less chances of getting heart disease.

13) Always be happy. Have a good disposition and outlook in life. When you are happy, you will have a healthy body and mental health as well.

14) Take foods that are low in fat and salt. Too much fat and salt in take will lead you to acquire heart disease and stroke.

15) Don\’t be dependent to medicines. If you are eating healthy foods, you would not bother taking food supplements. All you need to have a healthy body can be provided by the healthy foods that you eat.

Changing your lifestyle will help you improve your health. So, why wait? You have to start now and get your desired healthy weight for your height.

Author Bio: Looking for a cholesterol low fat diet? Get your FREE eCourse packed with secrets and tips on how to lose 10-15 pounds FAST at

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: healthy foods,healthy height,heart disease

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