How I Got Rid Of My Old Self

Maybe you came to this page looking for an answer. Maybe you want to learn how to get a six pack. Do you know before getting your six pack, you must first get rid of your belly fat. Because if you don’t get rid of your belly fat, even if you get the most beautiful six pack in the world no one can see it. It would just hide behind your fat layers. I know because I was fat.

It took me 2 years to get rid of all my excess weight. I was a fat boy since I was a little child. I learned every fat joke, every insult, and every joke about fat children when I was really very young. Life is not easy if you are different. Furthermore if you are fat it is way more difficult. You can’t run; you can’t hide. There are only two options for fat children. You can either try to hide from all your so called friends, or you can become a bully. I couldn’t be a bully so my life turned into a game of catch. However I learned to be sarcastic and swore to be skinny guy when I grew up.

It was difficult be a child and it was difficult to grow up but I stood up to all the problems and grew up to be a strong willed young man. My only goal in life was to lose weight and live a normal life. So I started to make research about how to get rid of my fats. The first solution I found was liposuction. It is a medical operation where they take some of the fats from your body with the help of a device that sucks your fats. There is a limit to the amount of fat they can take in each operation and after the operation you must keep a strict diet not to gain back the weight they take out of your body. This operation may also be dangerous for some people because the imbalance after the operation.

Then I found out about the fat burning pills. These pills literally melt the fat layers. However they are also bad for the balance of the body. If you decide to take these pills you must be under strict control of doctors.

These were the easy paths. My mother always told me “no pain, no gain” all through my childhood. So I decided to try the hard way. It is a mixture of regular exercise and a strict diet. First months were the hardest but after the third month I got used to my new life style. After six months I started to feel the effects of my diet and exercises. It is not an easy thing to live with excess fats. The weight loads extra strain to your legs and abdominal muscles. When you make exercise with excess weight it becomes harder but this was just another difficulty for me. I got through all the difficulties and after two years I was a new person who knew how to get a six pack.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to get a six pack in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to get a six pack

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