For A Strong Core

Core is considered to be our upper body minus arms. We do everything with our arms and they are not even counted as core limbs. Don’t worry; we will not examine this injustice all through this article. We examine the ways of how to get a six pack and see which muscle groups are situated where and what are their functions.

Throughout history people always wanted learn the workings of the human body. They wanted to look under the skin and solve the greatest mystery man kind ever faced. Trying to solve this mystery is just like looking at the mirror. Because before every scientific discovery, there is curiosity and the source of curiosity is nothing but mankind. It was forbidden to examine dead bodies. Nevertheless scientists like Leonardo da Vinci did their best to learn what they can. Now you may wonder why we are writing about the history of medicine and anatomy. Because the first muscle we will write about is so deep we can’t see or feel it while we still live.

The transversus abdominus is like a large ban wrapping our body. It starts right under the ribs and ends with the pelvic bone. This muscle is the first protector of our internal organs. It also supports spine giving us our posture. It is the deepest muscle of our core. Internal obliques come just after transverses abdominus. When we say after we mean outer. These muscles also support the spine and they help side movements of our waist together with external abliques.

The main function of external obliques is to help internal obliques in the side movements of the waist. They also help rotation and side bending of the waist and the spine. When we breathe out these muscles compress and help our lungs to exhale. The most outer and esthetically most important abdominal muscles are rectus abdominis.

These are in fact two sets of muscles. They are inside a sheath and they are attached to the sheath from 3 points to perform their function of helping the body bend down. Because of these 3 points, when we are fit, they give our abdomens the famous six pack appearance. There is also a fourth part of rectus abdominis which is the lowest part. However it is very difficult even for the best athletes to make it visible. Of course it is not impossible and when it is achieved it is called the eight pack appearance.

It is best not to talk about eight pack before learning how to get a six pack because, in most people, the rectus abdominis is not the outermost layer. There is a fat layer that separates abdominal muscle groups from the inside of our skin. This fat layer makes it difficult for people to see their own six pack abs. In reality we all have six pack abs. The only problem is our fat layer. Some call it pot belly, others beer belly. Whatever they may choose to call it, it is a fat layer and if you want to see your six pack abs you must get rid of this layer.

Author Bio: Next, find out more about how to get a six pack in the best specialized website available on such delicate topic.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: how to get a six pack

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