Content is Still King in Doing SEO

If you analyze the truth behind the success of an online business, you will find search engine optimization is the one that supports a website to get higher ranking in search engine results. The main purpose of using the SEO techniques is to appear in the first page of the search engines, drag more audience and promote the product. Even the SEO firms do not know the formula that is used by the search engines, still there are some basic SEO principles that they follow to optimize the website. Even the search engine does not inform the changes that it makes in its formula. When a website that is doing well in search engine suddenly comes down from top position, you can make a guess that there is some change in its algorithm. So, instantly you should start doing the tweaking work. Since, context is the main one for SEO, you should know how to design your context.

When a website is optimized with search engine optimization strategies, the SEO experts do lot of things you attract the search engine spider. Some of them include effective title tag, meta description, internal link building etc. Even though importance is given to all these things, content is the key to every site.

How to create a search engine friendly SEO content for your site?

Harvest the apt keyword – A great content can be created only if you harvest rich business related keywords. So, you should start your research and get the exact keyword that can give you great result. To get the right keyword, you should either seek the help of a SEO professional or use the google keyword research tool.

Derive an impressive and catchy title – The title of your context has also got some role in getting you higher ranking in SERP. Since, your context title is derived using the strong keyword, search engine spiders gives importance to your title also. While deriving the title make sure that your title matches the subject of your context.

Body of the context – This is the main part of your context and you should be very careful while creating your content. The content should be interesting to the audience and also valuable. The content that is useful to the audience will be visited by more customers who are capable of making purchase. The harvested keyword/keyphrase should be used in the content few times. Search engine gets inspired with the content that has keyword in the first and last line of the context. Do not cross the keyword density limit. It is good to add 2 to 3% keyword density. Remember, the keyword density is not similar for all the search engines. Some search engines also consider 5% of total word count.

While creating the context, make sure that your content is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Do not try to spam the search engine spider by providing inorganic content. Updating content is very much essential to remain at the top position always.

The basic principles for creating the content are similar, whether you are writing articles or blog postings. So, make your content SEO rich, organic and informative to get into the top of the search engine results page.

Author Bio: Dhruv Patel is a customer of DreamHost. He has created site to help new DreamHost customers and to promote DreamHost by giving DreamHost coupon. You can check his website at .

Category: Internet
Keywords: seo, content, dreamhost, review

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