5 Ways Men Can Look More Dashing

Dashing men always get the most attention among the girls, and being one doesn\’t have to be such a huge struggle. Here are 6 tips that you can immediately follow:

1. Be a gentleman.

A good man is always a gentleman. In his rule book, the lady will always come first. He is there to please her. The good news is even the independent women love to be pampered sometimes.

Don\’t allow the days of chivalry end. Open the doors for her or pull a chair. Walk her to her place. Cook her breakfast. Treat her like a princess.

2. Keep yourself neat.

Sure, a lot of the ladies out there would go for ruggedly handsome men, but that doesn\’t mean they\’re ready to settle for guys who have dirty nails and smelly body. Most definitely too you don\’t want to deal with a poorly clean woman.

Make an effort to look and smell good for somebody. Trim the beard and mustache and choose a perfume that goes well with your personality. Have your clothes properly laundered and pressed. Skip the hobo look as much as possible. By doing these, you will do yourself a good favor: you don\’t end up a laughing stock among the gals.

3. Go for the ideal weight.

Contrary to popular belief, not all women are looking for weightlifting type of men. They are more than happy to deal with men who just know how to keep themselves healthy. This means you don\’t have to really spend a lot of your time in the gym. The most important thing is you can keep yourself active. In fact, if you truly want to be romantic, you can engage in strenuous activities with your girl.

4. Improve your level of self-confidence.

Women don\’t want to end up baby-sitting men. Like the guys, they don\’t want to deal with those who are needy or clingy. Being one also makes it easier for you to feel jealous or envious.

Make sure you maintain your self-confidence. Utilize a lot of subliminal messages or affirmations. You can do meditations or visualizations and speak of them. Some of the subliminal messages you can use are the following:

I am confident about myself.
I know I can be a good man.
Every day is an opportunity to be a gentleman.
I take care of myself for myself and for my partner.

You can also create your subliminal messages. It\’s even highly suggested so you can definitely address whatever it is that\’s causing you to have a very low self-esteem.

5. Bond with good men.

A little drink here and there will do you good. It\’s one of the best ways to de-stress yourself. Besides, there are some things you really can\’t share with any woman. However, it\’s a totally different story if your friends turn out to be alcoholics or drug addicts. Ensure you can be choosy with the people you\’re with. Always opt for those you know who can be good influence on you. Say good riddance to those who are not.

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Category: Self Help
Keywords: Subliminal Messages, Free Subliminal Messages videos

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